How to Wait for the DOM Ready Event in Plain JavaScript

Learn how to execute JavaScript code as soon as the DOM is ready, without any delay. To achieve this, you can add an event listener to the document object for the DOMContentLoaded event: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { // Code to be executed when the event occurs }) Usually, arrow functions are not used for event callbacks because they don’t have access to the this keyword. However, in this case, we don’t need to worry about it because this always refers to the document object....

How to write text into an HTML canvas

If you want to write text into an HTML canvas, follow these steps: Set the size of the canvas: To do this, you can either use CSS or the HTML width and height attributes. For example, if you want a canvas size of 200 x 400, you can use the following code: <canvas width="200" height="400"></canvas> Additionally, make sure to set the width and height properties of the canvas object in JavaScript to avoid blurry text rendering....

I Purchased A New Home for My Web Development Bootcamp

Every Spring, I organize a highly anticipated course called the Web Development Bootcamp. This comprehensive 20-week program covers all the essential aspects of web development, including vanilla JavaScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, and more. The course has been a tremendous success, with a growing number of signups and consistently positive outcomes for my students. Due to its popularity and effectiveness, I have decided to make it an annual event. Formerly known as the JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp, I recently rebranded it to better reflect the diverse skills and technologies covered....

Introduction to create-react-app: The Easiest Way to Start a React Application

Create-react-app is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly start building React applications without having to deal with complex configurations. It provides a ready-made React application starter, eliminating the need to set up Webpack and Babel manually. What does create-react-app offer? Development server with hot reloading Built-in testing environment with Jest Easy deployment of React apps ES6+ syntax support Bundling of JavaScript and assets CSS autoprefixer, SASS, and CSS Modules support And more!...

Introduction to ES Modules

ES Modules is the standard method for working with modules in ECMAScript. While Node.js has been using the CommonJS standard for years, the browser did not have a native module system until the standardization of ES Modules in ES6. Now, ES Modules are supported in major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox (since version 60). Modules are a powerful tool that allows you to encapsulate functionality and expose it to other JavaScript files as libraries....

Introduction to the JavaScript Programming Language

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, used not only in the browser but also in backend development with Node.js. This article provides an overview of JavaScript and its growth from a scripting language for web animations to a powerful language used in various applications. Introduction JavaScript, created in 1995, was the first scripting language supported natively by web browsers. Originally used for animations and DHTML, JavaScript has evolved to meet the growing needs of the web platform....

Introduction to XState: A Powerful JavaScript Library for Finite State Machines

In this blog post, we will introduce XState, a popular JavaScript library for working with finite state machines. Finite state machines are a useful tool for managing complex state transitions in your code and ensuring bug-free software development. To get started with XState, you can install it using npm: npm install xstate Once installed, you can import the necessary functions (Machine and interpret) using the ES Modules syntax: import { Machine, interpret } from 'xstate' Alternatively, if you’re working in the browser, you can import XState directly from a CDN:...

JavaScript Algorithms: Binary Search

Binary search is an efficient algorithm used to search for an item in an ordered array or any other ordered data structure. It reduces the search space by half with each iteration, making it a highly optimized search algorithm. To perform a binary search, follow these steps: Start with the ordered array and the item you need to search for. Calculate the middle index of the array by dividing the number of elements by 2....

JavaScript Algorithms: Linear Search

In the world of computer science, the linear search algorithm, also known as sequential search or simple search, holds a significant position. As one of the most fundamental search algorithms, it allows us to locate an item within a data structure, such as an array, by examining each element until a match is found. The implementation of the linear search algorithm is remarkably straightforward: const linearSearch = (list, item) => { for (const [i, element] of list....

JavaScript Algorithms: Merge Sort

Merge sort is a popular sorting algorithm that utilizes the “divide and conquer” approach. In this algorithm, an array is divided into two halves recursively until each half contains only one element. Then, the sorted subarrays are merged to form a single sorted array. Let’s take an example to understand how merge sort works. Suppose we have an array: [4, 3, 1, 2] We first divide the array into two halves:...