Create-react-app is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly start building React applications without having to deal with complex configurations. It provides a ready-made React application starter, eliminating the need to set up Webpack and Babel manually.

What does create-react-app offer?

  • Development server with hot reloading
  • Built-in testing environment with Jest
  • Easy deployment of React apps
  • ES6+ syntax support
  • Bundling of JavaScript and assets
  • CSS autoprefixer, SASS, and CSS Modules support
  • And more!

Getting started with create-react-app is simple. Just use the npx command, which allows you to download and execute Node.js commands without installing them beforehand. If you don’t have npm installed, you can get it from

To check if you have the latest version of npm, I recommend updating it if necessary. You can find a tutorial on how to update npm on my website at

To create a new React app using create-react-app, use the following command:

npx create-react-app <app-name>

Replace <app-name> with the desired name for your application. Running this command will download the latest version of create-react-app, execute it, and remove it from your system. This ensures that you always have the most up-to-date version.

Once the installation is complete, create-react-app will generate a file structure for your app in the specified folder. It also initializes a Git repository for version control. You can start the app by navigating to the project folder and running npm start.

In addition to npm start, create-react-app adds a few other useful commands to the package.json file:

  • npm run build: Builds the React application files in the build folder for deployment to a server.
  • npm test: Runs the testing suite using Jest.
  • npm eject: Allows you to eject from create-react-app if you need more flexibility in the Babel and Webpack configuration.

Ejecting from create-react-app is permanent and should be done when you require advanced customization beyond what create-react-app provides. It creates two new folders, config and scripts, which contain the necessary configuration files for further customization.

By using create-react-app, you’ll be able to get started with React development quickly and efficiently. It simplifies the setup process and allows you to focus on building your app.