Learn how to execute JavaScript code as soon as the DOM is ready, without any delay.

To achieve this, you can add an event listener to the document object for the DOMContentLoaded event:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
 // Code to be executed when the event occurs

Usually, arrow functions are not used for event callbacks because they don’t have access to the this keyword. However, in this case, we don’t need to worry about it because this always refers to the document object. In other event listeners, it is recommended to use a regular function instead:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
 // Code to be executed when the event occurs

This is especially useful when adding the event listener inside a loop, where it’s uncertain what this will be when the event is triggered.

In conclusion, adding an event listener to the document object for the DOMContentLoaded event allows you to run JavaScript code as soon as the DOM is ready.