If you want to write text into an HTML canvas, follow these steps:

  1. Set the size of the canvas: To do this, you can either use CSS or the HTML width and height attributes. For example, if you want a canvas size of 200 x 400, you can use the following code:

    <canvas width="200" height="400"></canvas>

    Additionally, make sure to set the width and height properties of the canvas object in JavaScript to avoid blurry text rendering. For example:

    canvas.width = 1800;
    canvas.height = 1200;
  2. Get a reference to the canvas: Use the querySelector method to select the canvas element. For example:

    const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
  3. Create a context object from the canvas: Use the getContext method and pass '2d' as the argument. This creates a 2D rendering context for the canvas.

    const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
  4. Use the fillText() method to write text: Now that you have the context object, you can call the fillText() method to write text on the canvas. Specify the text content and the starting coordinates. For example:

    context.fillText('hi!', 100, 100);

    Make sure the starting coordinates are within the canvas size.

  5. Customize the appearance: You can customize the appearance of the text by setting additional properties before calling fillText(). For example, you can change the font, fill style, etc. Here’s an example:

    context.font = 'bold 70pt Menlo';
    context.fillStyle = '#ccc';
    context.fillText('hi!', 100, 100);

By following these steps, you can effectively write text into an HTML canvas.