Different Ways to Access Property Values of an Object

In JavaScript, there are multiple ways to access the value of a property within an object. Let’s explore these different methods: Dot Syntax One common way to access a property value is by using the dot syntax. This involves specifying the object name followed by a dot and the property name. For example: const dog = { name: 'Roger' } console.log(dog.name); // Output: Roger Using the dot syntax is straightforward and works well for properties with valid variable names....

How to Iterate Over Object Properties in JavaScript

Iterating over an object’s properties is a common task in JavaScript. However, you can’t simply use methods like map(), forEach(), or a for..of loop to iterate over an object. Attempting to do so will result in errors. For example, if you have an object called items with properties like 'first', 'second', and 'third', using map() on items will throw a TypeError: items.map is not a function. Similarly, using forEach() or a for....

JavaScript Symbols: Explained and Utilized

Symbols are a unique and powerful data type in JavaScript, introduced in ECMAScript 2015. Unlike other primitive data types like strings, numbers, booleans, null, and undefined, symbols have a distinct characteristic - their values are kept private and meant for internal use only. Once created, symbols are immutable and their values remain hidden, with only the symbol reference accessible. To create a symbol, you can use the Symbol() global factory function....

JavaScript typeof Operator

In JavaScript, every value has an assigned type. To determine the type of a variable, we can use the typeof operator, which returns a string representing the variable’s type. Here are a few examples of using the typeof operator: typeof 1; //'number' typeof '1'; //'string' typeof {name: 'Flavio'}; //'object' typeof [1, 2, 3]; //'object' typeof true; //'boolean' typeof undefined; //'undefined' typeof (() => {}); //'function' typeof Symbol(); //'symbol' It’s interesting to note that JavaScript doesn’t have a specific “function” type....

Understanding the hasOwnProperty() Method in JavaScript

The hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript allows you to determine whether an object has a specific property. It is useful when you need to check if an object instance has a property with a particular name. Syntax The hasOwnProperty() method is called on an object instance and takes a string argument. It follows the syntax: object.hasOwnProperty(property) Return Value If the object instance has a property with the name specified in the string argument, the method returns true....