In JavaScript, there are multiple ways to access the value of a property within an object. Let’s explore these different methods:

Dot Syntax

One common way to access a property value is by using the dot syntax. This involves specifying the object name followed by a dot and the property name. For example:

const dog = {
  name: 'Roger'

console.log(; // Output: Roger

Using the dot syntax is straightforward and works well for properties with valid variable names.

Square Brackets Property Accessor Syntax

Another way to access a property value is by using the square brackets property accessor syntax. With this method, you enclose the property name within square brackets after the object name. For example:

const dog = {
  'the name': 'Roger'

console.log(dog['the name']); // Output: Roger

The square brackets syntax is particularly useful when a property has a name that is not a valid variable name, as shown in the example above.

Dynamic Property Access

In certain situations, you may not know the property name beforehand, or you may need to evaluate it programmatically. In such cases, you can dynamically access property values using the Object.entries() method and loop through the property names. Here’s an example:

const dog = {
  'the name': 'Roger'

for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(dog)) {

In the above example, we use Object.entries() to get an array of [key, value] pairs for each property in the dog object. We can then loop through this array and access the property values. This method is particularly useful when you want to iterate through all the properties of an object.

By using these different approaches, you can easily retrieve property values from objects in JavaScript.