The hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript allows you to determine whether an object has a specific property. It is useful when you need to check if an object instance has a property with a particular name.


The hasOwnProperty() method is called on an object instance and takes a string argument. It follows the syntax:


Return Value

If the object instance has a property with the name specified in the string argument, the method returns true. On the other hand, if the object does not have the specified property, it returns false.


Consider the following example:

const person = { name: 'Fred', age: 87 };

person.hasOwnProperty('name'); // true
person.hasOwnProperty('job'); // false

In this example, the person object has a property named 'name', so when we call person.hasOwnProperty('name'), it returns true. However, the object does not have a property named 'job', so person.hasOwnProperty('job') returns false.


The hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript helps you determine whether an object instance has a specific property. By using this method, you can efficiently check if an object has a desired property and handle the results accordingly.

tags: JavaScript, hasOwnProperty, object properties