Linux Commands: cp - A Simple Guide to File and Folder Copying

In the world of Linux and Unix environments, the cp command plays a crucial role in copying files and folders. With its straightforward syntax, it allows you to effortlessly duplicate files and directories. Whether you’re a Linux aficionado, macOS user, or even operating in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment, the cp command is at your disposal. Let’s explore some practical examples of how to use the cp command effectively....

Linux commands: env - Interacting with Environment Variables

The env command is a versatile tool used in Linux, macOS, WSL, and UNIX environments to run commands while manipulating and interacting with environment variables. Passing Environment Variables One of the main use cases for the env command is to pass environment variables to a command, without permanently setting them in the current shell. For example, if you want to run a Node.js app and set the USER variable to it, you can use the env command as follows:...

Linux Commands: Exploring the `printenv` Command for Environment Variables

The printenv command is a useful tool for printing the values of environment variables in a Linux, macOS, or UNIX environment. In this guide, we will explore how to use this command effectively. Understanding Environment Variables Environment variables play a crucial role in setting system configurations and customizing shell behaviors. They can be set by the system itself or by your own shell scripts and configuration files. Printing All Environment Variables To print all the environment variables to the terminal, simply execute the printenv command....

Linux Commands: fg

Learn how to use the fg command in Linux to bring background jobs to the foreground. When a command is running in the background, indicated by the & symbol at the end or by using the bg command, you can use the fg command to bring it back to the foreground. To bring the last suspended job to the foreground, simply run: fg You can also specify the job number to bring a specific job to the foreground....

Linux commands: gzip - A Quick Guide to File Compression

In this quick guide, we will explore the gzip command, which is used to compress files using the LZ77 compression protocol. Compressing files can help reduce their size and save storage space. Let’s dive into the various options and features of gzip. Compressing a File The simplest way to compress a file is by using the following command: gzip filename This command will compress the specified file and append the ....

Linux commands: mkdir

In this article, we will explore the mkdir command in Linux, which is used to create folders. We will also learn about some of the options available with this command. To create a folder, simply use the following syntax: mkdir folder_name For example, to create a folder named “fruits”, you can run the command: mkdir fruits You can create multiple folders in a single command by specifying their names separated by spaces....

Linux commands: ps

A comprehensive guide to using the ps command in Linux to list and manage running processes. At any given time, your computer is running numerous processes. To inspect and manage these processes, the ps command comes in handy. It provides a list of the processes currently running in the system. The displayed list represents the user-initiated processes in the current session. For example, you may see multiple instances of the fish shell, mainly opened by VS Code within the editor, and an instance of Hugo running the development preview of a site....

Linux commands: pwd

A comprehensive guide to using the pwd command to check the current working directory. When navigating through the filesystem and feeling unsure of your current location, the pwd command comes in handy. By executing the command pwd, you can obtain the path of the directory you are currently in. To execute the command, simply type pwd in the terminal. The output will display the complete path of the current folder....

Linux commands: tail - A Quick Guide to Monitoring File Changes

tags: Linux commands, tail command, file monitoring, log files, UNIX environment The tail command is a powerful tool in Linux that allows you to monitor file changes. One of its best use cases is when it is called with the -f option, which opens a file at the end and continuously displays any new content added to the file. This feature is particularly useful for monitoring log files. To utilize this feature, simply run the following command:...

Linux commands: The Power of Ping

In the vast world of networking, the ping command is a valuable tool that can help you assess the reachability and connectivity of a network host. Whether you are troubleshooting network issues or simply wanting to test the response time of a server, ping comes to the rescue. Using the ping command is straightforward. You simply enter ping <host> in the terminal, where <host> can be either a domain name or an IP address....