In this quick guide, we will explore the gzip command, which is used to compress files using the LZ77 compression protocol. Compressing files can help reduce their size and save storage space. Let’s dive into the various options and features of gzip.

Compressing a File

The simplest way to compress a file is by using the following command:

gzip filename

This command will compress the specified file and append the .gz extension to it. By default, the original file is deleted during compression. To preserve the original file, you can use the -c option along with output redirection, like this:

gzip -c filename > filename.gz

Using the -c option ensures that the output is redirected to the standard output stream while leaving the original file intact.

Alternatively, you can use the -k option, which creates a compressed file without deleting the original:

gzip -k filename

Compression Levels

gzip provides various levels of compression. The higher the compression level, the more time it takes to compress and decompress the file. The levels range from 1 (fastest, worst compression) to 9 (slowest, better compression), with the default level being 6.

To choose a specific compression level, you can use the -<NUMBER> option. For example, to set the compression level to 1:

gzip -1 filename

Compressing Multiple Files

To compress multiple files, you can provide a list of filenames as arguments to the gzip command. For instance:

gzip filename1 filename2

This command will compress each specified file individually.

You can also compress all the files in a directory and its subdirectories recursively by using the -r option. For example:

gzip -r a_folder

Compression Percentage Information

The -v option can be used to display compression percentage information. It is often used together with the -k option to keep the original file. Here’s an example:

Image: Compression Percentage Information Screenshot

Decompressing a File

In addition to compression, gzip can also decompress files. Use the -d option followed by the filename with the .gz extension to decompress a file. Here’s an example:

gzip -d filename.gz


The gzip command works on Linux, macOS, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), and anywhere you have a UNIX environment. You can use it across these platforms to compress and decompress files efficiently.