In the world of Linux and Unix environments, the cp command plays a crucial role in copying files and folders. With its straightforward syntax, it allows you to effortlessly duplicate files and directories. Whether you’re a Linux aficionado, macOS user, or even operating in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment, the cp command is at your disposal.

Let’s explore some practical examples of how to use the cp command effectively.

Copying a File

To copy a file, you can utilize the cp command along with the name of the file you wish to duplicate. For instance, let’s say we have a file named test. We want to create a copy called another_apple:

touch test
cp test another_apple

With these simple commands, the cp command copies the contents of test and generates a new file called another_apple. You now have two identical files residing in the same location.

Copying a Folder

When you need to copy an entire folder, the cp command requires the -r option. By adding this flag, you ensure that all the contents within the folder are recursively copied.

Suppose we want to create a duplicate of a directory called fruits and name it cars:

mkdir fruits
cp -r fruits cars

In this example, the cp -r command copies the entire contents of the fruits directory and replicates them inside the cars directory. With the -r flag, you can preserve the structure and hierarchy of the original folder, making it an ideal choice for duplicating directories.

That’s it! With the cp command, you can conveniently copy files and folders in Linux, macOS, WSL, and any Unix-like environment. It serves as a versatile tool for efficiently managing your files.