In a previous blog post, we discussed how to create nested functions in Python. Now, let’s explore an interesting concept called closures.

When you return a nested function from a function, that nested function retains access to the variables defined in its enclosing function, even if the enclosing function is no longer active. This behavior is known as a closure.

To illustrate this concept, let’s consider a simple counter example:

def counter():
    count = 0

    def increment():
        nonlocal count
        count = count + 1
        return count

    return increment

increment = counter()

print(increment()) # 1
print(increment()) # 2
print(increment()) # 3

In the above code, we define a function counter() which initializes a variable count to zero. Inside counter(), we define another function increment() that increments the count variable by 1 and returns its updated value.

By calling counter(), we assign the returned increment() function to the increment variable. Now, whenever we invoke increment(), it remembers the state of the count variable and increments it by 1. As a result, we see the count increasing with each call to increment().

This is a powerful feature of closures in Python. They allow us to create functions that can access variables in their enclosing scope even after the enclosing function has finished executing.

Using closures, we can build more complex functions and maintain state across multiple function calls. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where we need to track and update certain variables within a function.

In conclusion, closures provide a way to retain access to the variables of an enclosing function in nested functions. They allow for more flexible and dynamic programming in Python.