Exploring the Power of JavaScript Closures

Closures are a fundamental concept in JavaScript that play a crucial role in how functions work. Understanding closures is essential for unlocking the full potential of JavaScript. So let’s dive into this topic and explore what closures are all about. In JavaScript, when a function is executed, it carries with it the scope that was in place when it was defined, rather than the state that is in place when it is called....

Python Closures: Accessing Variables in Nested Functions

In a previous blog post, we discussed how to create nested functions in Python. Now, let’s explore an interesting concept called closures. When you return a nested function from a function, that nested function retains access to the variables defined in its enclosing function, even if the enclosing function is no longer active. This behavior is known as a closure. To illustrate this concept, let’s consider a simple counter example:...

Python Nested Functions

In Python, functions can be nested inside other functions. A nested function is only visible within the enclosing function. This allows us to create utility functions that are specific to a particular function and not needed elsewhere. But why would we want to “hide” a function if it isn’t causing any harm? Well, it’s always good practice to hide functionality that is only relevant within a specific scope. Additionally, nested functions can make use of closures, which we’ll discuss later....