Can You Nest Functions in C?

In this blog post, we will explore the topic of nesting functions in C and whether it is a possibility. Nesting functions refers to the act of defining functions inside other functions, which is a common practice in languages like JavaScript, Swift, and Python. However, in the case of C and C++, this option is not available. Unlike many other programming languages, C does not support the nesting of functions. It is not permissible to define functions inside other functions in C....

Python Closures: Accessing Variables in Nested Functions

In a previous blog post, we discussed how to create nested functions in Python. Now, let’s explore an interesting concept called closures. When you return a nested function from a function, that nested function retains access to the variables defined in its enclosing function, even if the enclosing function is no longer active. This behavior is known as a closure. To illustrate this concept, let’s consider a simple counter example:...

Python Nested Functions

In Python, functions can be nested inside other functions. A nested function is only visible within the enclosing function. This allows us to create utility functions that are specific to a particular function and not needed elsewhere. But why would we want to “hide” a function if it isn’t causing any harm? Well, it’s always good practice to hide functionality that is only relevant within a specific scope. Additionally, nested functions can make use of closures, which we’ll discuss later....