How to Wait for All Promises to Resolve in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are situations where we need to wait for multiple promises to resolve before continuing the execution of our code. Instead of waiting for one promise to resolve and then starting the next one, it would be more efficient to start all the promises simultaneously and wait for all of them to finish. In this blog post, we will discuss how to achieve this using the await keyword and the Promise....

How to Wait for the DOM Ready Event in Plain JavaScript

Learn how to execute JavaScript code as soon as the DOM is ready, without any delay. To achieve this, you can add an event listener to the document object for the DOMContentLoaded event: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { // Code to be executed when the event occurs }) Usually, arrow functions are not used for event callbacks because they don’t have access to the this keyword. However, in this case, we don’t need to worry about it because this always refers to the document object....

How to Work with Docker Containers Using the Command Line

Docker containers are a powerful tool for managing and running applications. While the Docker Desktop application provides a graphical interface to work with containers easily, you can also utilize the command line interface (CLI) commands for more flexibility and control. To list the currently running containers, you can use the docker ps command. Alternatively, you can run docker container ls for the same result. docker ps Here is an example output of the command:...

How to Work with Files/Folders in PHP

PHP, being a server-side language, offers convenient access to the filesystem. In this blog post, we will explore some basic operations on files and folders using PHP. Checking if a File Exists To check if a file exists, we can use the file_exists() function like this: file_exists('test.txt'); // true Getting the Size of a File To get the size of a file, we can use the filesize() function: filesize('test.txt'); Opening a File To open a file, we can use the fopen() function....

How to Work with Props in Svelte: A Guide for Developers

In this article, we will explore how to effectively work with props in Svelte, allowing components with a parent/child relationship to communicate with each other. By understanding how to pass data through props, you can create dynamic and interactive components in your Svelte applications. To start, let’s take a look at how to import a Svelte component into another component. You can achieve this by using the following syntax: <script> import SignupForm from '....

How to Write a CSV File with Node.js

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write an array of data to a CSV file using Node.js. We will be using the objects-to-csv library, which is a great tool for quickly writing an array of objects to a CSV file. To get started, let’s install the objects-to-csv library by running the following command in your Node.js project folder: npm install objects-to-csv Once the library is installed, we can require it in our Node....

How to Write a JSON Object to File in Node.js

Learn how to save a JSON object to a file in Node.js and retrieve it later. Storing data in the filesystem can be a reliable approach for Node.js applications. If you have an object that can be serialized to JSON, you can follow these steps to save it to a file: const fs = require('fs'); const storeData = (data, path) => { try { fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(data)); } catch (err) { console....

How to Write Content to a File in Python

When working with Python, there may come a time when you need to write content to a file. In this article, we will explore how you can accomplish this task. Let’s get started. Opening the File To write content to a file, you first need to open it using the open() function. This function takes two parameters: the file path and the mode. The mode determines how the file will be treated when opened....

How to write text into an HTML canvas

If you want to write text into an HTML canvas, follow these steps: Set the size of the canvas: To do this, you can either use CSS or the HTML width and height attributes. For example, if you want a canvas size of 200 x 400, you can use the following code: <canvas width="200" height="400"></canvas> Additionally, make sure to set the width and height properties of the canvas object in JavaScript to avoid blurry text rendering....

How to Write Unmaintainable Code: 25 Tips to Keep Your Job Forever

In this tutorial, I want to highlight the art of writing unmaintainable code. By doing so, you can ensure job security as you become the sole guardian of understanding the intricacies and purpose behind your code. Please note: This post is intended to be ironic. Be creative with naming variables, functions, and objects. Make sure there is no logical correlation between the name and its purpose or behavior. Embrace abbreviations and acronyms instead of descriptive names....