I Purchased bootcamp.dev: A New Home for My Web Development Bootcamp

Every Spring, I organize a highly anticipated course called the Web Development Bootcamp. This comprehensive 20-week program covers all the essential aspects of web development, including vanilla JavaScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, and more. The course has been a tremendous success, with a growing number of signups and consistently positive outcomes for my students. Due to its popularity and effectiveness, I have decided to make it an annual event. Formerly known as the JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp, I recently rebranded it to better reflect the diverse skills and technologies covered....

Introduction to CSS: Enhancing Your Web Pages' Visual Appearance

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language that plays a significant role in defining the visual appearance of an HTML page in a web browser. With its continuous evolution and the introduction of new features, CSS has become easier to use than ever before. In this blog, we will cover the following topics: What is CSS A brief history of CSS How does CSS look like Semicolons Formatting and indentation How do you load CSS in a Web Page 1: Using the link tag 2: using the style tag 3: inline styles What is CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style HTML files and instruct web browsers on how to render the elements on a web page....

Introduction to React Router

React Router is a powerful tool that allows you to connect the URL of your React app with its corresponding components. It is considered the go-to routing library for React and is widely used in many projects. Installation To install React Router using npm, run the following command: npm install react-router-dom Components The main components you will work with in React Router are: BrowserRouter: This component serves as the wrapper for all the Route components in your app....

Introduction to Swift and iOS Development for Web Developers

Welcome to the first installment of our Swift and iOS application development tutorial series. Whether you are an experienced web developer or just starting out, this series will guide you through the fundamentals of Swift and iOS development. If you’re interested, you can also check out our previous Swift introductory series here. Before we dive into the details, let me provide a brief background about my experience in iOS and Mac development....

Linking two pages in Next.js using Link

How to link two or more pages in Next.js This tutorial builds upon the first Next.js tutorial, which covers how to install Next.js. In the previous tutorial, we created a website with a single page. Now, we want to add a second page to our website, a blog posts list. This page will be served at /blog and initially, it will be a simple static page similar to our index.js component....

MacBook Air vs MacBook Pro: Which is Better for Web Development?

Many people often ask the question of whether a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro is better for web development. While this may not be a concern for Linux or Windows users, it is still a valid question for those considering Apple laptops. It is important to note that you do not necessarily need a MacBook to learn web development, as any computer can suffice. Currently, Apple offers two lineups of laptops: the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro....

Managing State Updates in Svelte: A Guide

In Svelte, handling state updates within a component is straightforward and doesn’t require any special configuration. You can simply use reactive assignments to update the component’s state. For instance, let’s consider a count variable that needs to be incremented. This can be done using the assignment count = count + 1 or count++: <script> let count = 0; const incrementCount = () => { count++; }; </script> {count} <button on:click={incrementCount}>+1</button> If you’re familiar with modern web frameworks like React or Vue, this approach may seem familiar....

Preserving White Space and Line Breaks in HTML: A Guide

When rendering the description of a job obtained from a <textarea> field in a form and stored in a database, you may encounter issues with preserving white space and line breaks in the displayed content. This occurs because the description, when added to the page, is not interpreted as HTML, resulting in the browser not respecting the original formatting. Naturally, you would want the output to resemble the original input, respecting the white space and line breaks....

Processing Redirects in Express: A Guide for Server-side Redirection

Redirects play a crucial role in web development by allowing you to efficiently direct users to other pages. In this guide, we will explore how to handle redirects using Express, a popular web application framework for Node.js. To begin with, you can initiate a redirect using the Response.redirect() method. Let’s take a look at a simple example: res.redirect('/go-there'); By using this code snippet, a 302 redirect will be created, indicating a temporary redirect....

Serving Static Assets with Express

In this blog post, we will discuss how to serve static assets directly from a folder in Express. Many web applications have a public subfolder where they store images, CSS files, and more. We will learn how to expose these assets to the root level of the application using Express. To get started, we need to install Express and require it in our project file: const express = require('express'); const app = express(); Next, we can use the express....