Redirects play a crucial role in web development by allowing you to efficiently direct users to other pages. In this guide, we will explore how to handle redirects using Express, a popular web application framework for Node.js.

To begin with, you can initiate a redirect using the Response.redirect() method. Let’s take a look at a simple example:


By using this code snippet, a 302 redirect will be created, indicating a temporary redirect. However, if you want to perform a permanent redirect (301 redirect) instead, you can modify the code as follows:

res.redirect(301, '/go-there');

Express provides flexibility when defining the redirect destination. You have multiple options available:

  1. Absolute path: You can specify an absolute path, starting with a forward slash (/go-there).

  2. Absolute URL: It is also possible to provide an absolute URL, such as

  3. Relative path: Express allows you to use a relative path, such as go-there.

  4. Relative path with ..: The .. can be used to move back one level in the directory structure. For example:


Additionally, Express facilitates redirecting back to the Referer HTTP header value, which defaults to / (root) if not set. This can be achieved with the following code:


In conclusion, handling redirects with Express is straightforward and efficient. By utilizing the Response.redirect() method and understanding the available options for destination paths, you can seamlessly redirect users to the desired pages. Take advantage of Express’s capabilities to enhance user experience and improve the flow of your web applications.