Using Tailwind with Vue.js - A Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, we will walk through the process of setting up Tailwind CSS in a Vue CLI 3 project. Tailwind CSS is a powerful and customizable CSS framework that allows you to build modern and responsive web applications. Install Tailwind The first step is to install Tailwind CSS using either npm or yarn. Run the following command in your project directory: npm install tailwindcss --save-dev yarn add tailwindcss --dev Create a configuration file Once Tailwind CSS is installed, you need to create a configuration file....

Vue.js Component Props

Component Props play a crucial role in passing down state to child components. In this blog post, we will explore various aspects of props and how to use them effectively. Table of Contents Define a prop inside the component Accept multiple props Set the prop type Set a prop to be mandatory Set the default value of a prop Passing props to the component Define a prop inside the component Props allow components to accept data from parent components....

Vue.js Events: Interacting with DOM Events

Vue.js provides a convenient way to handle DOM events using the v-on directive on an element. Being able to intercept events is essential in making Vue components interactive. What are Vue.js events? With Vue.js, we can intercept any DOM event using the v-on directive on an element. For example, if we want to perform something when a click event occurs on an element: <template> <a>Click me!</a> </template> We can add the v-on directive:...

Vue.js Single File Components: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we will explore how Vue.js simplifies the process of creating a single file responsible for all aspects of a component. By centralizing the responsibility for appearance and behavior, Vue.js offers a convenient approach known as Single File Components. Traditionally, a Vue component can be declared in a JavaScript file (.js) using the Vue.component method or within a new Vue instance. However, Vue.js introduces a new file format called ....

Vue.js Slots: Positioning and Organizing Content in Components

Slots in Vue.js are a powerful feature that allows you to position and organize content within a component. They enable parent components to inject content into specific areas of a child component’s template. Let’s start by understanding the basic concept of slots. In a component, you can either generate its output entirely or leave room for external content using slots. A slot represents a reserved space in the component’s output that awaits content injection....

Vue.js Templates and Interpolations: A Guide for Developers

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that utilizes a powerful templating language, which is an extension of HTML. In addition to standard HTML, Vue.js introduces two essential features: interpolation and directives. Understanding these features is crucial for building dynamic and responsive Vue.js applications. A Valid Vue.js Template To begin, it’s important to note that any HTML code is a valid Vue.js template. You can define a Vue component by explicitly declaring a template, like this:...

Vuex: The Official State Manager for Vue.js

In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of Vuex, which is the official state management library for Vue.js. We will discuss the reasons why you should use Vuex and how to create a Vuex store. Additionally, we will go through a simple use case to understand how Vuex works. Introduction to Vuex Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js that allows you to share data across components in your application....