Choosing the Right Tech Stack: Balancing Familiarity and Exploration

When it comes to building a new app, you are faced with a decision: stick to what you already know or venture into unfamiliar territory. It’s a dilemma that many developers encounter, as they navigate between becoming a total expert in one technology or having a broader understanding of various technologies. Opting for the stack you know best, such as sticking with React if you are already familiar with it, may seem like the safest and most convenient choice....

Communication Between Vue.js Components

Discover the different ways to make components communicate in a Vue.js application. Props The first way is by using props. With props, parents pass data down to their child components by adding arguments to the component declaration. For example: <template> <div> <Car color="green" /> </div> </template> <script> import Car from './components/Car' export default { name: 'App', components: { Car } } </script> Props are one-way, meaning data flows from the parent to the child....

How to Dynamically Show a Vue Component

When developing with Vue, you often need to display components based on the application state. While you can manually place components at the beginning, this approach becomes less flexible as your application grows. In this blog post, we will explore two different methods to dynamically show components in Vue. Using conditional directives One of the simplest options is to use the v-if and v-else directives. These directives allow you to conditionally render components based on a given condition....

How to Enable SCSS with Vue.js Single File Components

Learn how to use SCSS in your Vue.js components for enhanced styling. When working with Vue.js, you have the option to enable CSS preprocessors like SCSS using the Vue CLI. To enable SCSS, follow these steps: Install the Vue CLI if you haven’t already. Open the Vue CLI and enable the “CSS Preprocessors” option. Choose SCSS as your preferred preprocessor. In case you’re working on a project that’s not based on Vue CLI or if you didn’t add CSS preprocessor support when initializing the project using Vue CLI, you can add it later by performing the following steps:...

Learn How to Use the Vue.js CLI

Vue.js is an impressive project that offers a range of utilities to make a Vue programmer’s life easier. One such utility is the Vue CLI, which stands for Command Line Interface. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the Vue CLI to create and manage Vue projects. Installation To start using the Vue CLI, you need to install it globally on your system by running the following command:...

Storing Vue Data to localStorage using Vuex

In this blog post, we will explore how to store Vuex data automatically to localStorage or sessionStorage. When it comes to persisting data, there are several methods available. One simple approach is utilizing the Web Storage API, which includes localStorage and sessionStorage. To simplify the process of integrating the Web Storage API into a Vue project, we can leverage the vuex-persist library. Here’s how to get started: Install vuex-persist using npm or Yarn: npm install vuex-persist yarn add vuex-persist In your Vuex store file, import VuexPersist: import VuexPersist from 'vuex-persist' Initialize VuexPersist by creating an instance with specific configuration options: const vuexPersist = new VuexPersist({ key: 'my-app', storage: window....

Styling Vue.js Components Using CSS

In this tutorial, we will explore various options to style Vue.js components using CSS. Please note that this tutorial assumes the use of Vue.js Single File Components. The simplest way to add CSS to a Vue.js component is by using the style tag, similar to HTML. Here’s an example: <template> <p style="text-decoration: underline">Hi!</p> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { decoration: 'underline' } } } </script> This method allows for static styling....

The Vue.js Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive cheat sheet of common commands and instructions that you can use while coding in Vue.js. This cheat sheet covers a wide range of topics, including directives, working with form elements, modifying events, mouse event modifiers, keyboard event modifiers, lifecycle hooks, built-in components, global configuration of the Vue object, methods of the Vue object, and options passed to a Vue object....

The Vue.js DevTools: A Guide for Developers

The Vue.js DevTools are an essential tool for Vue.js developers. This powerful panel integrates into the Browser Developer Tools, allowing you to inspect and interact with your Vue.js application. In this guide, we will walk you through the installation process for Chrome, Firefox, and the standalone application, as well as how to use the Developer Tools effectively. Table of Contents Install on Chrome Install on Firefox Install the standalone app How to use the Developer Tools Filter components Select component in the page Format components names Filter inspected data Inspect DOM Open in editor When you start working with Vue....

Understanding Vue.js Watchers

Vue.js provides a powerful feature called watchers, which allows you to monitor changes in specific properties of a component’s data and take action accordingly. This blog post will explain how watchers work and provide examples to illustrate their usage. What are Vue.js Watchers? A watcher in Vue.js is a special feature that enables you to observe changes in a specific property of a component’s state. It allows you to define a function that will be executed whenever the value of the watched property changes....