Clearing the Terminal in VS Code

When using VS Code as your development environment, you may encounter situations where you need to clear the terminal. While the commonly used cmd-k key combination typically clears the terminal in other applications, it doesn’t work as expected in VS Code. To clear the terminal in VS Code, you can follow these steps: Press cmd-shift-P to open the command palette. Search for the “Terminal: Clear” command and select it. If you have previously set up cmd-k as the shortcut for clearing the terminal but it isn’t working, there might be a setting conflict....

Debugging Go with VS Code and Delve: A Comprehensive Guide

Debugging is an essential part of the development process, and having a reliable and efficient code editor is crucial. One of the best code editors out there is Visual Studio Code (VS Code) by Microsoft. Its speed, stability, and extensibility make it an ideal choice for developers. If you’re a Go developer using VS Code, you might be wondering how to debug your Go programs. Fortunately, it’s super easy with Delve, a powerful debugger made specifically for Go by Derek Parker....

How to Automatically Format Astro Files in VS Code using Prettier

Learn how to utilize Prettier to format .astro files in the VS Code environment. When working with Astro, one drawback is that Prettier does not recognize its syntax. Consequently, auto-formatting on Save or Paste does not function in VS Code. How can you automate the formatting of Astro files in VS Code using Prettier? Follow these configuration steps: Begin by installing the default formatter for Web Development, which is Prettier....

How to Check Types in JavaScript without Using TypeScript

If you’re familiar with TypeScript, you know that it’s a language introduced by Microsoft that adds types to JavaScript. While TypeScript can be beneficial, especially for larger projects, it may not always be the best choice for beginners or for those who prefer to stick to the fundamentals of the Web Platform. However, there are times when having types in JavaScript can be helpful. Fortunately, there is a way to add types to JavaScript without using TypeScript, and it involves using VS Code....

How to fix the error \"Unable to import django.db\" in Django app using VS Code

When working on a Django app using VS Code, you may encounter an error where the from keyword in an import is underlined and hovering over it displays the error message “Unable to import ‘django.db’ pylint(import-error)”. This error occurs because VS Code is not running the virtual environment of the app. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to fix this issue: Open VS Code and navigate to the file where the error is occurring....

How to Remove Empty Lines in VS Code

If you’ve ever come across a file in VS Code that has multiple empty lines that you want to remove all at once, you’re in luck. Manually removing them one by one can be quite tedious, especially if you’re dealing with a large number of empty lines. As a programmer, you’ll probably prefer spending a few minutes to find a more efficient solution rather than wasting time on a repetitive and mundane task....

How to Resolve the \"No inputs were found in config file\" Error in tsconfig.json

Many students have encountered the “No inputs were found in config file” error while working on an Astro project, which includes a tsconfig.json file by default. This error typically occurs in VS Code. Although the error may seem puzzling, especially if you are not using TypeScript in your project, there are several possible solutions to fix it. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot this issue: Restart VS Code: Sometimes, a simple restart of the VS Code editor can resolve the error....

How to Set Up GitHub Credentials for macOS

Are you looking to set up GitHub authentication on your macOS device? Whether you prefer using the command line or VS Code for your Git repositories, it’s essential to configure your GitHub credentials correctly to avoid authentication issues. In this article, we’ll outline the steps to set up GitHub credentials on macOS and ensure smooth usage of Git tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started: Make sure you have Homebrew installed on your macOS device....

How to Update Your Website Using an iPad

If your website is built on Hugo, a static site generator, and you want to update it using your iPad, there is a convenient way to do so through GitHub. Although there are tools like Forestry that provide a visual CMS, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially if your content organization differs from their recommended approach. To edit your website on iPad, follow these steps: 1. Access GitHub in Safari...

Running Python Programs: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning how to run programs written in Python is an essential skill for any developer. In this guide, we will explore the different ways you can execute Python programs, including interactive prompts and running Python code from files. Running Python Programs Using Interactive Prompts One way to run Python programs is by using interactive prompts. By opening your terminal and typing python, you can access the Python REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop). This interactive environment allows you to write and execute Python code immediately....