If your website is built on Hugo, a static site generator, and you want to update it using your iPad, there is a convenient way to do so through GitHub. Although there are tools like Forestry that provide a visual CMS, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially if your content organization differs from their recommended approach.

To edit your website on iPad, follow these steps:

1. Access GitHub in Safari

  • Open Safari on your iPad.
  • Navigate to your GitHub repository (e.g., https://github.com/userName/repositoryName).

2. Open the VS Code View

  • Change the URL from .com to .dev (e.g., https://github.dev/userName/repositoryName).
  • This will open your repository in a VS Code-like view within Safari.

iPad GitHub VS Code View

3. Making Changes

  • Once in the VS Code view, you can work on your project as you would in VS Code on a Mac.
  • Note that the search functionality may not work perfectly in Safari, as it requires indexing files in the local storage.
  • Be careful when closing tabs in the VS Code view, as cmd-w will close the entire Safari tab.
  • If you encounter issues with large, high-resolution images (over 1MB) captured on your iPad, you can address this by converting them to more efficient JPG format on your Mac later.

4. Push Changes to GitHub

  • When you’re finished making changes, simply push them to your GitHub repository.

Push Changes to GitHub

By following these steps, you can easily update your website using your iPad and GitHub. Enjoy the convenience of editing your website on the go!