Python Closures: Accessing Variables in Nested Functions

In a previous blog post, we discussed how to create nested functions in Python. Now, let’s explore an interesting concept called closures. When you return a nested function from a function, that nested function retains access to the variables defined in its enclosing function, even if the enclosing function is no longer active. This behavior is known as a closure. To illustrate this concept, let’s consider a simple counter example:...

Understanding Python Variable Scope

When working with variables in Python, it’s important to understand their scope - where they are visible and accessible within your program. The scope of a variable depends on where it is declared. Global Variables When a variable is declared outside of any function, it is considered a global variable. Global variables are accessible to any part of the program, including functions. Here’s an example: age = 8 def test(): print(age) print(age) # Output: 8 test() # Output: 8 In this example, age is a global variable....