How to Return Multiple Elements in JSX

In React, when writing JSX, there is a limitation: you can only return one parent item. You cannot have multiple elements directly under the return statement. However, there are several solutions to overcome this limitation. Solution 1: Wrap Components and Elements in a <div> One common way to solve this issue is by wrapping the components and other HTML elements in a <div>: const Pets = () => { return ( <div> <Dog /> <Cat /> </div> ); }; However, this approach introduces an additional HTML element which may not be necessary in the final rendered HTML....

How to Update an Object State Variable with useState

Updating a state variable that is defined as an object with properties can be a bit confusing when using the useState hook. Simply updating the object itself will not trigger a rerender of the component. However, there is a pattern that can be used to efficiently update the object state variable. The pattern involves creating a temporary object with one property, and then using object destructuring to create a new object that combines the existing object with the temporary object....

How to Use Prisma: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Prisma is a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool that provides an abstraction layer over databases. In this tutorial, we will explore how to get started with Prisma and use it to build a React application based on Next.js. To begin, create a new Next.js app in a folder using the following command: npx create-next-app Next, include Prisma in your dev dependencies by running: npm install -D prisma Now, you have access to the Prisma CLI utility....

How to Use the useCallback React Hook

The useCallback React hook is a powerful tool that can help optimize your React applications. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the useCallback hook is useful for and how to work with it effectively. First, let’s briefly review the basics of React hooks. If you’re new to hooks, I recommend checking out my previous blog post on React hooks introduction. What is the useCallback Hook? The useCallback hook is used to memoize a function so that it is not recreated on every render of a component....

How to Use the useMemo React Hook

In the world of React, one hook that can come in handy is useMemo. import React, { useMemo } from 'react'; The useMemo hook allows you to create a memoized value. This hook is similar to useCallback, but with a few differences. While useCallback returns a memoized callback, useMemo returns a memoized value, which is the result of a function call. Additionally, the use case for these two hooks is different....

I Purchased A New Home for My Web Development Bootcamp

Every Spring, I organize a highly anticipated course called the Web Development Bootcamp. This comprehensive 20-week program covers all the essential aspects of web development, including vanilla JavaScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, and more. The course has been a tremendous success, with a growing number of signups and consistently positive outcomes for my students. Due to its popularity and effectiveness, I have decided to make it an annual event. Formerly known as the JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp, I recently rebranded it to better reflect the diverse skills and technologies covered....

Introduction to create-react-app: The Easiest Way to Start a React Application

Create-react-app is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly start building React applications without having to deal with complex configurations. It provides a ready-made React application starter, eliminating the need to set up Webpack and Babel manually. What does create-react-app offer? Development server with hot reloading Built-in testing environment with Jest Easy deployment of React apps ES6+ syntax support Bundling of JavaScript and assets CSS autoprefixer, SASS, and CSS Modules support And more!...

Introduction to React Router

React Router is a powerful tool that allows you to connect the URL of your React app with its corresponding components. It is considered the go-to routing library for React and is widely used in many projects. Installation To install React Router using npm, run the following command: npm install react-router-dom Components The main components you will work with in React Router are: BrowserRouter: This component serves as the wrapper for all the Route components in your app....

Introduction to Remix: A New React-Based Framework

In this blog post, I want to introduce you to Remix, a new React-based framework that has recently reached version 1.0. Remix offers some unique features that make it an interesting alternative to frameworks like Next.js and SvelteKit. Remix is primarily focused on building dynamic web applications rather than static sites. It is well-suited for use cases that involve databases, dynamic data, user accounts with private data, and more. If you are familiar with Rails, Django, or Laravel, Remix can be seen as an alternative in the JavaScript world....

Learn how to Use Redux to Manage your Application State

Redux is a popular state management library that is commonly used with React applications, although it can be used with other technologies as well. This guide will provide a simple and easy-to-follow overview of Redux and how to use it effectively. Why you need Redux Redux provides a way to manage the state of your application by moving it to an external global store. While React has its own method for managing state, Redux becomes necessary for complex applications where you find yourself moving state up and down the component tree using props....