How to Use or Execute a Package Installed Using npm

Learn how to include and use a package that you have installed using npm into your Node.js code. When you install a package using npm, it gets saved into your node_modules folder. But how do you actually use it in your code? Let’s say you have installed the popular JavaScript utility library lodash using the following command: npm install lodash This command will install the lodash package in your local node_modules folder....

Installing 3rd Party Packages in Python using `pip`

Python is a comprehensive programming language with a vast collection of utilities in its standard library. However, sometimes we need additional functionality that is not built-in. This is where 3rd party packages come into play. Packages are created and made available as open-source software by individuals and companies for the Python community. These packages are hosted on the Python Package Index (PyPI) at, and can be easily installed using pip, the package installer for Python....

Where does npm install the packages?

How to Find Out Where npm Installs the Packages If you’re new to npm and want to learn more about it, check out the npm guide which covers all the basics. When you install a package using npm (or yarn), there are two types of installation you can perform: a local install or a global install. By default, when you run the npm install command like this: npm install lodash The package is installed in the current file tree under the node_modules subfolder....