Learn how to include and use a package that you have installed using npm into your Node.js code.

When you install a package using npm, it gets saved into your node_modules folder. But how do you actually use it in your code?

Let’s say you have installed the popular JavaScript utility library lodash using the following command:

npm install lodash

This command will install the lodash package in your local node_modules folder.

To use the package in your code, simply import it using the require statement:

const _ = require('lodash');

But what if the package you have installed is an executable? In that case, the executable file will be located under the node_modules/.bin/ folder.

Let’s take the example of the cowsay package, which provides a command-line program that makes a cow say something (and other animals too 🦊).

When you install the cowsay package using npm install cowsay, it will not only install the package itself, but also a few dependencies in your node_modules folder.

Here’s a snapshot of the contents of the node_modules folder after installing cowsay:

The node_modules folder content

As you can see, there is a hidden .bin folder that contains symbolic links to the cowsay binaries:

The binary files

So, how do you execute these binaries?

You can certainly use the direct path ./node_modules/.bin/cowsay to run it, and it will work. However, a better option is to use npx, which is included in the recent versions of npm (since 5.2). Simply run the following command:

npx cowsay

npx will automatically find the location of the package and execute it.

And there you have it! Now you know how to include and use a package installed using npm in your Node.js code.