Code Linters and Formatters for Web Developers: A Guide to Improving Your Code

As web developers, it’s important to write clean and organized code. And luckily, there are a plethora of online tools available to assist you in linting or formatting your code. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the most useful tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development. JavaScript Prettier (formatter) - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that helps you maintain consistent code formatting across your JavaScript projects. You can try it out in the online playground....

Exploring the Python Standard Library

The Python standard library is a vast collection of built-in modules that provide a wide range of utilities and functionalities. From math operations to networking, the standard library has got you covered. You can find the complete list of standard library modules here: Python Standard Library Some of the noteworthy modules in the standard library include: math - for mathematical operations re - for regular expressions json - for working with JSON data datetime - for handling dates and times sqlite3 - for interacting with SQLite databases os - for operating system specific functions random - for generating random numbers statistics - for statistical calculations requests - for making HTTP network requests http - for creating HTTP servers urllib - for URL management Now, let’s dive into how to use these modules....

How to Fix the `TypeError: Attempted to Assign to Readonly Property` Error

If you’ve encountered the following error in your Next.js codebase or any JavaScript codebase: TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property Don’t worry! This error is not specific to Next.js and can occur in any JavaScript project. After some debugging, I discovered that the issue was related to a database column where I stored data as JSON. The problem arose when I tried to update this JSON object using dot syntax (e....

How to Resolve the \"ObjectID Required\" Error on Algolia

Algolia serves as the search engine for this blog, and occasionally, I need to add new blog posts. To do this, I download the JSON file through a specific website URL and manually upload it on the Algolia dashboard. While uploading the JSON file today, I encountered the following error: Upload error: The 'objectID' attribute is required to use action=updateObject Upon examining the JSON file in VS Code, I discovered that there was an entry with an empty value for the "objectID" attribute....

How to Utilize Next.js API Routes for Improved SEO

Discover the incredible capabilities of Next.js API routes to effortlessly create API endpoints within your Next.js application. In addition to serving web pages as page routes, Next.js provides the ability to create API routes. This powerful feature allows Next.js to act as both the frontend and backend, facilitating seamless data storage and retrieval through JSON fetch requests. API routes are located within the /pages/api/ folder and are mapped to the /api endpoint....

How to Write a JSON Object to File in Node.js

Learn how to save a JSON object to a file in Node.js and retrieve it later. Storing data in the filesystem can be a reliable approach for Node.js applications. If you have an object that can be serialized to JSON, you can follow these steps to save it to a file: const fs = require('fs'); const storeData = (data, path) => { try { fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(data)); } catch (err) { console....