As web developers, it’s important to write clean and organized code. And luckily, there are a plethora of online tools available to assist you in linting or formatting your code. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the most useful tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development.


  • Prettier (formatter) - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that helps you maintain consistent code formatting across your JavaScript projects. You can try it out in the online playground.

  • ESLint (linter) - ESLint is a widely used JavaScript linter that helps identify and fix code errors, enforcing coding styles and best practices. You can try it out in the online demo.

  • JSHint (linter) - JSHint is another JavaScript linter that helps detect errors and potential issues in your code. You can give it a try on the JSHint website.

Other Tools for Web Development


  • CSS Beautifier - This online tool allows you to format and beautify your CSS code. You can find it at


  • HTML Formatter - If you’re in need of formatting your HTML code, this online tool can assist you. You can access it at



  • GraphQL Toolbox - If you’re working with GraphQL, this online tool allows you to format your GraphQL queries and schemas. You can find it at

General Purpose

  • Beautifier Tools - These tools handle more than one single syntax, allowing you to format and beautify various types of code:

By utilizing these code linters and formatters, you can ensure better code quality, readability, and maintainability in your web development projects.