The startsWith() Method in JavaScript

Introduction In JavaScript, the startsWith() method is used to check if a string starts with a specific substring. By calling startsWith() on a string and providing a substring as a parameter, we can determine whether the string starts with that substring or not. Basic Usage The startsWith() method can be called on any string variable or string literal. It returns a boolean value (true or false), indicating whether the string starts with the specified substring....

The String endsWith() Method: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn all about the endsWith() method in JavaScript strings and its various functionalities. The endsWith() method in JavaScript allows you to determine whether a string ends with a specified value passed as a parameter. Here are a couple of examples to understand its usage: 'JavaScript'.endsWith('Script') // true 'JavaScript'.endsWith('script') // false In the first example, the endsWith() method returns true because the string ‘JavaScript’ ends with the value ‘Script’. However, in the second example, the method returns false because it performs a case-sensitive comparison, and the value ‘script’ does not match the string’s ending ‘Script’....

The String valueOf() Method: Explained in Detail

In JavaScript, the valueOf() method in the String object is used to obtain the string representation of the current String object. It returns the string value of the object. Here is an example of how to use the valueOf() method: const str = new String('Test'); str.valueOf(); //'Test' The valueOf() method returns the same result as the toString() method for strings. Both methods provide the string representation of the object, but they differ in their usage....

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering React

React, the popular JavaScript library, has revolutionized the world of visual interface development. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, learning React can take your skills to the next level. In this blog, we will explore why React is so widely used and how it can solve common development problems. Developed by Facebook and released in 2013, React has become the backbone of numerous applications, including Facebook and Instagram. Its success lies in its ability to simplify user interface development by breaking it down into manageable components....

The Vue.js Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive cheat sheet of common commands and instructions that you can use while coding in Vue.js. This cheat sheet covers a wide range of topics, including directives, working with form elements, modifying events, mouse event modifiers, keyboard event modifiers, lifecycle hooks, built-in components, global configuration of the Vue object, methods of the Vue object, and options passed to a Vue object....

Typed Arrays: A Guide to Understanding and Using Them

Typed Arrays are a powerful feature in JavaScript that allow you to work with data in a more efficient and controlled manner. In this article, we will explore what Typed Arrays are and how to use them effectively. The Basics JavaScript provides eight types of Typed Arrays: Int8Array: an array of 8-bit signed integers Int16Array: an array of 16-bit signed integers Int32Array: an array of 32-bit signed integers Uint8Array: an array of 8-bit unsigned integers Uint16Array: an array of 16-bit unsigned integers Uint32Array: an array of 32-bit unsigned integers Float32Array: an array of 32-bit floating point numbers Float64Array: an array of 64-bit floating point numbers All Typed Array types are instances of the ArrayBufferView class, which allows you to view and manipulate data stored in an ArrayBuffer....

Understanding Event Bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript

In JavaScript, event propagation can occur in two models: event bubbling and event capturing. Let’s explore how these models work and how they can be applied to your code. Let’s say you have the following DOM structure: <div id="container"> <button>Click me</button> </div> You want to track when users click on the button, and you have two event listeners - one on the button itself and one on the #container element....

Understanding JavaScript Error Objects

JavaScript has 7 error objects that are raised in a try/catch expression, depending on the type of error. These error objects are: Error EvalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError In this article, we will analyze each of these error objects and understand their specific use cases. Error Object The Error object is a generic error object from which all other error objects inherit. It contains two properties: message and name. The message property provides a human-readable description of the error, while the name property identifies the type of error....

Understanding JavaScript Logical Operators

In JavaScript, logical operators play a crucial role in evaluating conditions and making decisions. There are three main logical operators: and, or, and not. It’s essential to understand how these operators work and how they can be used effectively in your code. Logical AND (&&) The logical AND operator, represented by &&, returns true only if both of its operands are true. Here’s an example of how the logical AND operator works:...

Understanding JavaScript Nullish Coalescing

In the realm of JavaScript, there exists a powerful operator known as the nullish coalescing operator, represented by ??. You may be familiar with the use of the || operator to set a default value when a variable is null or undefined, like this: const myColor = color || 'red'; However, the nullish coalescing operator is here to take the place of || in scenarios like these: const myColor = color ?...