In JavaScript, the valueOf() method in the String object is used to obtain the string representation of the current String object. It returns the string value of the object.

Here is an example of how to use the valueOf() method:

const str = new String('Test');
str.valueOf(); //'Test'

The valueOf() method returns the same result as the toString() method for strings. Both methods provide the string representation of the object, but they differ in their usage.

The valueOf() method is automatically called for a string when it is used in a context that expects a primitive value, such as arithmetic operations or string concatenation.

It is important to note that when you try to concatenate a string object with another string, JavaScript automatically converts the string object to its primitive value. This is accomplished by calling the valueOf() method.

The valueOf() method can also be called explicitly on a string object to convert it to its primitive value, as shown in the example above.

In summary, the valueOf() method returns the string representation of a string object. It is automatically called when a string object is used in a context that expects a primitive value, or it can be called explicitly to convert a string object to its primitive value.