An Introduction to Web Components Custom Elements

In this tutorial, we will explore Custom Elements, a feature in Web Components, which allows us to create new HTML tags. Initially, I didn’t see the value in Custom Elements until I used the CSS Doodle library, which uses Custom Elements to create stunning CSS animations. This experience sparked my curiosity, leading me to dive deeper into the world of Web Components. Before we proceed, please note that this tutorial covers Custom Elements version 1, the latest release of the standard at the time of writing....

Angular: Exploring a Popular JavaScript Framework

If you’re searching for Angular tutorials and resources, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll briefly discuss Angular and why it’s worth considering for your next web development project. Algolia, the powerful search engine that fuels our website, has shown us that there is a significant demand for Angular-related content. While we haven’t written extensively about Angular in the past, we believe it’s important to address this popular JavaScript framework....

Asynchronous JavaScript Programming and Callbacks: Understanding Asynchronicity

JavaScript, by default, is synchronous and single-threaded, meaning that code cannot create new threads and run in parallel. However, asynchronous programming allows code to run independently of the main program flow. In this blog, we will explore the concept of asynchronous code and its implementation in JavaScript, specifically through the use of callbacks. We will also discuss the challenges associated with callbacks and alternative approaches to handle asynchronous code. Asynchronicity in Programming Languages Computers are inherently asynchronous....

Bower: The Browser Package Manager

Bower, a powerful browser package manager, allows you to manage your project assets, such as JavaScript, CSS, and images. In this post, we will focus on using Bower for JavaScript packages. Before we begin, let’s install Bower using the npm package manager: npm install bower -g Next, create a .bowerrc file in your project’s root directory or in your home folder to customize Bower’s behavior. For example, you can specify the directory where packages will be installed and the file that will store Bower’s data:...

Checking for the Existence of a Key in a JavaScript Object

In JavaScript, it is important to be able to check if a specific property key exists within an object. This can be done using various techniques to ensure accurate and efficient code execution. Let’s explore some of these methods below: Firstly, let’s consider an example object called car: const car = { color: 'blue' } To check if the color property key exists within the car object, we can use the in operator as follows:...

Code Linters and Formatters for Web Developers: A Guide to Improving Your Code

As web developers, it’s important to write clean and organized code. And luckily, there are a plethora of online tools available to assist you in linting or formatting your code. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the most useful tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development. JavaScript Prettier (formatter) - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that helps you maintain consistent code formatting across your JavaScript projects. You can try it out in the online playground....

CORS, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: Allowing Cross-Domain Communication

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an essential mechanism that enables communication between clients and servers, even if they are on different domains. Normally, JavaScript applications running in the browser can only access HTTP resources on the same domain that serves them. However, CORS provides a way to allow connections to other servers. By default, certain resources like images, scripts, and styles can be loaded from different origins. However, requests made using XHR or Fetch to a different domain, subdomain, port, or protocol will fail unless the server implements a CORS policy....

Creating Custom Errors in JavaScript

JavaScript provides a set of 8 error objects that are raised in a try/catch expression based on the type of error encountered. These error objects are: Error EvalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError If you want to create your own custom errors in JavaScript, you can extend the base Error class. This allows you to handle different error types in a specific way, without relying solely on error messages to determine the type of error....

Deferreds and Promises: Structuring Your JavaScript Code with Ease (+ Ember.js Example)

Promises are an innovative approach to managing asynchronous code in JavaScript. They provide a structured way to handle events and make your code more readable. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Promises and Deferreds in JavaScript, using examples with jQuery and Ember.js. What are Promises? A Promise is an object that represents an event and its lifecycle. It starts in a pending state when it is called and transitions to a resolved or rejected state when the event is completed....

Destructuring Objects and Arrays in JavaScript

Learn how to use the destructuring syntax to work with arrays and objects in JavaScript. Destructuring in JavaScript allows you to extract values from objects and arrays and assign them to variables in a more concise way. This can make your code more readable and efficient. Destructuring Objects With object destructuring, you can extract specific properties from an object and assign their values to named variables. This can be especially useful when working with large objects or when you only need certain properties....