How to resolve the error \"PrismaClient is unable to be run in the browser\" in Next.js

While working on a Next.js website, I recently encountered the error message: “PrismaClient is unable to be run in the browser.” This issue arose after I commented out a single line of code within the getStaticProps() method of my page file. In this particular line of code, I invoked a method from my Prisma instance, which I had previously imported at the top of the page file. Next.js determines which code to utilize for the backend by analyzing the code within getStaticProps(), excluding it from shipment to the frontend....

How to Use Exceptions in PHP

Errors can occur unexpectedly in our code, but by using exceptions in PHP, we can handle them in a more controlled manner. Exceptions allow us to intercept errors and take appropriate actions, such as displaying error messages or implementing workarounds. To use exceptions, we wrap the code that might potentially raise an exception in a try block, followed by a catch block. The catch block is executed if there is an exception in the preceding try block....

Understanding JavaScript Error Objects

JavaScript has 7 error objects that are raised in a try/catch expression, depending on the type of error. These error objects are: Error EvalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError In this article, we will analyze each of these error objects and understand their specific use cases. Error Object The Error object is a generic error object from which all other error objects inherit. It contains two properties: message and name. The message property provides a human-readable description of the error, while the name property identifies the type of error....