Asynchronous JavaScript Programming and Callbacks: Understanding Asynchronicity

JavaScript, by default, is synchronous and single-threaded, meaning that code cannot create new threads and run in parallel. However, asynchronous programming allows code to run independently of the main program flow. In this blog, we will explore the concept of asynchronous code and its implementation in JavaScript, specifically through the use of callbacks. We will also discuss the challenges associated with callbacks and alternative approaches to handle asynchronous code. Asynchronicity in Programming Languages Computers are inherently asynchronous....

Creating Custom Errors in JavaScript

JavaScript provides a set of 8 error objects that are raised in a try/catch expression based on the type of error encountered. These error objects are: Error EvalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError If you want to create your own custom errors in JavaScript, you can extend the base Error class. This allows you to handle different error types in a specific way, without relying solely on error messages to determine the type of error....

Error Handling in Node.js: Best Practices and Techniques for Robust Applications

Error handling is a crucial aspect of any Node.js application development. Failing to handle errors properly can lead to crashes, bugs, and security vulnerabilities. In this blog post, we will explore various techniques and best practices for effective error handling in Node.js. Creating Exceptions In Node.js, errors are handled through exceptions. To throw an exception, you can use the throw keyword followed by a value. In client-side code, the value can be any JavaScript value, such as a string, number, or object....

Handling JavaScript Exceptions

When encountering unexpected problems, handling exceptions is the preferred approach in JavaScript. This article will guide you through the basics of creating and handling exceptions in JavaScript. Creating Exceptions To create an exception, use the throw keyword followed by a value. This value can be any JavaScript value, such as a string, number, or object. Here’s an example: throw value When this line of code is executed, the normal program flow is immediately halted, and control is transferred to the nearest exception handler....

Handling Promise Rejections: Best Practices

Promises have greatly improved JavaScript in recent years, allowing us to handle asynchronous operations more efficiently. When working with functions that return promises, it’s important to know how to handle promise rejections. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for handling promise rejections effectively. Let’s start with a simple example using the Fetch API: fetch('/data.json') .then(response => { console.log(response.status) }) But what if an error occurs during the fetch() call?...

How to Exit a JavaScript Function

There are times when you need to quickly exit a JavaScript function while it’s executing. Fortunately, you can achieve this by using the return keyword. When JavaScript encounters the return keyword, it immediately exits the function. Any variable or value passed after return will be returned as the result. This technique is especially useful when you want to check for a certain condition within the function. For example, let’s say you expect a parameter to be present:...

How to Fix the `prisma/client did not initialize yet` Error on Vercel

If you’re building an app with Next.js and Prisma and encounter the deployment error Error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try to import it again when deploying it on Vercel, don’t worry. There’s a simple solution to this problem. The error occurs because the database is already initialized in your local development environment, but it needs to be properly generated and imported on the Vercel deployment....

How to Handle Errors in PHP: Best Practices

As developers, we all make mistakes. Whether it’s forgetting a semicolon, using the wrong variable name, or passing the incorrect argument to a function, errors are a part of the programming process. In PHP, we categorize errors into three types: warnings, notices, and errors. Warnings and Notices: These are minor errors that don’t stop the program execution. PHP will display a message indicating the issue, but the program will continue running unaffected....

How to Handle Failed Requests with Axios in Node.js

When using the popular Axios library in Node.js to make network requests, you may encounter a problem where the Node.js process crashes when the request fails. This can be unexpected and frustrating, but fortunately, there is a simple solution. The Issue: Crash on Failed Requests Let’s take a look at some code that uses Axios to make a POST request: axios({ method: 'post', url: 'https://...', data: JSON.stringify({ ... }) }); In this example, we are making a POST request to a specified URL....

How to Resolve the `Can't Resolve Module` Error in Next.js

If you are encountering the Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' error in Next.js, don’t worry, there is a simple solution. This error typically occurs when you attempt to import Node.js modules within a Next.js page, but fail to use the imported method within the getStaticProps() function. To illustrate, let’s consider the following code snippet: import { getData } from '../lib/data' //... export async function getStaticProps() { const data = getData() return { props: { data, }, } } In this example, if we comment out the line const data = getData(), Next....