A Short and Simple Guide to Babel: The Essential Web Developer Tool

Introduction to Babel Babel is an indispensable tool for every JavaScript developer. It solves the problem of using new JavaScript features that are not available in older browser versions. With Babel, you can transpile your modern JavaScript code into a syntax that is supported by all browsers. Installing Babel To install Babel, you need to use npm and install it locally in your project. Run the following command in your terminal:...

Introduction to ES Modules

ES Modules is the standard method for working with modules in ECMAScript. While Node.js has been using the CommonJS standard for years, the browser did not have a native module system until the standardization of ES Modules in ES6. Now, ES Modules are supported in major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox (since version 60). Modules are a powerful tool that allows you to encapsulate functionality and expose it to other JavaScript files as libraries....

Introduction to the JavaScript Programming Language

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, used not only in the browser but also in backend development with Node.js. This article provides an overview of JavaScript and its growth from a scripting language for web animations to a powerful language used in various applications. Introduction JavaScript, created in 1995, was the first scripting language supported natively by web browsers. Originally used for animations and DHTML, JavaScript has evolved to meet the growing needs of the web platform....

The Complete ECMAScript 2015-2019 Guide

ECMAScript, often referred to as ES, is the standard on which JavaScript is based. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about ECMAScript and its latest features. What is TC39 TC39 is the committee responsible for evolving JavaScript. Its members consist of companies involved in JavaScript and browser vendors, including Mozilla, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, PayPal, SalesForce, and others. To propose a new standard version, it must go through various stages, all of which are explained here....

The ES2018 Guide: Features and Upgrades Explained

ECMAScript, often abbreviated as ES, serves as the standard on which JavaScript is based. The latest version of this standard is ES2018, also known as ES9. In this guide, we will explore the new features and upgrades introduced in ES2018. Rest/Spread Properties ES6 introduced the concept of the rest element for array destructuring and spread elements for spreading array elements. ES2018 extends this concept to objects. Rest properties allow you to extract and assign the remaining properties of an object to a new object:...

The String endsWith() Method: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn all about the endsWith() method in JavaScript strings and its various functionalities. The endsWith() method in JavaScript allows you to determine whether a string ends with a specified value passed as a parameter. Here are a couple of examples to understand its usage: 'JavaScript'.endsWith('Script') // true 'JavaScript'.endsWith('script') // false In the first example, the endsWith() method returns true because the string ‘JavaScript’ ends with the value ‘Script’. However, in the second example, the method returns false because it performs a case-sensitive comparison, and the value ‘script’ does not match the string’s ending ‘Script’....