ECMAScript, often referred to as ES, is the standard on which JavaScript is based. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about ECMAScript and its latest features.

What is TC39

TC39 is the committee responsible for evolving JavaScript. Its members consist of companies involved in JavaScript and browser vendors, including Mozilla, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, PayPal, SalesForce, and others. To propose a new standard version, it must go through various stages, all of which are explained here.

ES Versions

The terminology used for ECMAScript versions can be confusing. Before ES2015, the specifications were commonly referred to by their edition numbers. For example, ES5 is the official name for the ECMAScript specification published in 2009. However, with the release of ES2015, the naming convention was changed to include the year of publication. Unfortunately, this change was made late in the process, resulting in people still referring to ES2015 as ES6. The table below provides a clear overview:

Edition Official name Date published
ES11 ES2020 Summer 2020?
ES10 ES2019 Summer 2019
ES9 ES2018 June 2018
ES8 ES2017 June 2017
ES7 ES2016 June 2016
ES6 ES2015 June 2015
ES5.1 ES5.1 June 2011
ES5 ES5 December 2009
ES4 ES4 Abandoned
ES3 ES3 December 1999
ES2 ES2 June 1998
ES1 ES1 June 1997

ES Next

ES.Next is a term used to denote the upcoming version of JavaScript. As of now, ES2019 has been released, and ES.Next refers to ES2020.