Deploying a Go Application in a Docker Container

If you’ve never heard about Docker, but that’s unlikely, the first thing you should know is that Docker allows you to run applications in isolation and with a great separation of concerns, yet allows them to communicate and interact with the external world. And you should know that everyone uses it, and every major cloud provider has a solution dedicated to running containers, so you should learn it! Install Installation changes depending on your system, so check https://www....

How to Fix the `prisma/client did not initialize yet` Error on Vercel

If you’re building an app with Next.js and Prisma and encounter the deployment error Error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try to import it again when deploying it on Vercel, don’t worry. There’s a simple solution to this problem. The error occurs because the database is already initialized in your local development environment, but it needs to be properly generated and imported on the Vercel deployment....

How to Use pm2 to Serve a Node.js App

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use pm2, a powerful process management tool for Linux, to run and manage a Node.js app on a DigitalOcean VPS. Additionally, we will set up pm2 to automatically update and restart the app whenever changes are pushed to its corresponding GitHub repository. To begin, make sure you have signed up for a DigitalOcean account and created a VPS using the NodeJS image, which comes pre-installed with pm2 and Node....

Where to Host a Node.js App: The Best Options for Deployment

When it comes to hosting a Node.js application, there are plenty of options available to suit your needs. In this article, we will explore various hosting solutions so that you can choose the one that best fits your requirements. From simple and constrained options to more complex and powerful ones, we will cover them all. Simplest Option Ever: Local Tunnel If you want to quickly test your app, demo a product, or share it with a small group of people, you can deploy your app and serve requests right from your computer using a local tunnel....

Why Choose Node.js for Your Next Project?

When deciding on the best technology for your next project, there are countless alternatives to Node.js to consider. However, Node.js stands out as a compelling choice for a number of reasons. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using Node.js and why it may be the right solution for you. Node.js - Powered by JavaScript JavaScript is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages globally. Its ability to run within a web browser gives it a distinct advantage over other languages....

Zeit Now Tutorial - A Fast and Simple Way to Deploy Node.js Apps

Learn how to deploy your Node.js application using the Now platform created by Vercel (formerly known as Zeit). One of the easiest ways to deploy a Node.js application is through the Now platform created by Vercel. Now makes the deployment process fast and simple, acting as a cloud service that provides you with a URL to access your deployed application. With Now, you can easily deploy Node.js apps, static websites, and more....