When it comes to hosting a Node.js application, there are plenty of options available to suit your needs. In this article, we will explore various hosting solutions so that you can choose the one that best fits your requirements. From simple and constrained options to more complex and powerful ones, we will cover them all.

Simplest Option Ever: Local Tunnel

If you want to quickly test your app, demo a product, or share it with a small group of people, you can deploy your app and serve requests right from your computer using a local tunnel. Even if you have a dynamic IP or are under a NAT, you can make your app publicly accessible with tools like ngrok or localtunnel. These services provide you with temporary domain names and allow you to expose your local server to the internet.

Zero Configuration Deployments

If you’re looking for hassle-free deployments with no configuration setup, consider the following options:


Glitch is a playground and a fast way to build apps. With Glitch, you can see your apps live on their own glitch.com subdomain. Although Glitch doesn’t support custom domains at the moment and has some restrictions in place, it’s an excellent option for prototyping. It offers the full power of Node.js, a CDN, secure storage for credentials, GitHub import/export, and more.


Codepen is a fantastic platform and community where you can create projects with multiple files and deploy them with custom domains.


If you prefer a serverless approach, where you can publish your apps as functions without managing a server, consider using a serverless framework such as Serverless Framework or Standard Library. These frameworks provide an abstraction layer to publish your apps on AWS Lambda, Azure, or Google Cloud.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

PaaS platforms take care of many deployment concerns, making it easier for you to focus on building your app. Consider the following PaaS options:

Zeit Now (now called Vercel)

Zeit Now (now called Vercel) is an interesting option. It simplifies the deployment process by letting you type now in your terminal, taking care of deploying your application. The free version has some limitations, but the paid version offers more power and features. With Vercel, you can focus solely on deploying your app without worrying about server management.


Nanobox is another PaaS option that provides a streamlined deployment process and handles many deployment complexities for you.


Heroku is an amazing platform for deploying Node.js apps. They offer a comprehensive guide on getting started with Node.js on Heroku.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud offering with excellent support for Node.js. They have a guide on creating a Node.js web app in Azure that can help you get started.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform is another great option for hosting your Node.js apps. They provide extensive Node.js documentation to help you along the way.

Virtual Private Server

If you prefer more control and flexibility, you can opt for a Virtual Private Server (VPS). Here are some popular VPS providers:

These providers give you an empty Linux machine to work with, and although they don’t provide specific tutorials, they offer extensive documentation to help you get started.

Bare Metal

For the ultimate control and customization, you can get a bare metal server and install a Linux distribution of your choice. You can connect it to the internet yourself or rent one monthly from providers like Vultr Bare Metal.

By considering the options mentioned above, you’ll be able to choose the hosting solution that best suits your needs and ensure a smooth deployment of your Node.js app.

tags: Node.js, hosting, deployment, serverless, PaaS, VPS, bare metal