A Comprehensive Roadmap to Become a Web Developer in 2022

Web development is a constantly evolving field, and it’s crucial for beginner developers to know where to start in order to acquire the skills that are in demand in the job market. In this blog, we will provide a roadmap to guide you on your journey to becoming a web developer in 2022. The Three Paths in Web Development There are three main paths in web development that you can choose from:...

An Introduction to Web Components Custom Elements

In this tutorial, we will explore Custom Elements, a feature in Web Components, which allows us to create new HTML tags. Initially, I didn’t see the value in Custom Elements until I used the CSS Doodle library, which uses Custom Elements to create stunning CSS animations. This experience sparked my curiosity, leading me to dive deeper into the world of Web Components. Before we proceed, please note that this tutorial covers Custom Elements version 1, the latest release of the standard at the time of writing....

Automatically Run package.json Scripts upon File Changes in a Folder

In this article, I will show you how to set up a package.json script to re-run automatically whenever a file within a specific folder changes. This approach can be applied to any type of automatic file and folder monitoring, not just limited to the scenario mentioned here. Let’s start by addressing a practical problem. Suppose you want to automatically regenerate the CSS files, utilizing a PostCSS pipeline, whenever any file changes within a folder....

Bower: The Browser Package Manager

Bower, a powerful browser package manager, allows you to manage your project assets, such as JavaScript, CSS, and images. In this post, we will focus on using Bower for JavaScript packages. Before we begin, let’s install Bower using the npm package manager: npm install bower -g Next, create a .bowerrc file in your project’s root directory or in your home folder to customize Bower’s behavior. For example, you can specify the directory where packages will be installed and the file that will store Bower’s data:...

Code Linters and Formatters for Web Developers: A Guide to Improving Your Code

As web developers, it’s important to write clean and organized code. And luckily, there are a plethora of online tools available to assist you in linting or formatting your code. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the most useful tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development. JavaScript Prettier (formatter) - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that helps you maintain consistent code formatting across your JavaScript projects. You can try it out in the online playground....

Comparing Options for Web Animations

Animations on the web can bring life and interactivity to your website. Whether you’re looking to add subtle transitions or create immersive full-screen experiences, there are a variety of options available to you. In this article, we will compare the different animation methods and explore the strengths and use cases of each. CSS Transitions CSS transitions are a simple and effective way to add animations to your website. With CSS transitions, you can smoothly move elements from one state to another, such as changing their position or opacity....

CSS in React: How to Style Your Application

Using CSS to style a React application offers various options for developers. In this blog, we will explore three different methods: using classes and a CSS file, using the style attribute, and using CSS Modules. Using Classes and CSS The simplest way to style a React component is by using classes and a regular CSS file. To do this, define a class in your CSS file and target it in your component:...

CSS Normalization: Why and How to Use it

CSS Normalization is the process of removing inconsistencies in browser styles while preserving a basic set of rules. It provides a common ground for browsers by addressing browser-specific defaults. Instead of removing all defaults like CSS reset approaches, normalization focuses on fixing bugs and providing a consistent starting point for styling elements. The most widely used solution for CSS normalization is Normalize.css. Below is a commented version of Normalize.css, which showcases the work it does to fix various browser inconsistencies:...

CSS Pseudo Classes

Learn the basics of CSS Pseudo Classes Pseudo classes are predefined keywords that are used to select an element based on its state or to target a specific child. They start with a single colon :. They can be used as part of a selector and are very useful for styling active or visited links, changing the style on hover, focus, or targeting the first child or odd rows. They are handy in many cases....

CSS Pseudo Elements: Enhancing Your Web Design

CSS Pseudo Elements are a powerful tool in web design that allows you to style specific parts of an element. They are denoted by a double colon ::. It’s important to note that although you may sometimes come across pseudo-elements with a single colon, using two colons is the recommended syntax to distinguish them from pseudo-classes. The most commonly used pseudo-elements are ::before and ::after, which are used to add content before or after an element, such as icons....