JavaScript Type Conversions: A Guide

Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript type conversions Even though JavaScript is a loosely typed language, there may arise situations where you need to convert a value from one type to another. In JavaScript, we have primitive types like numbers, strings, booleans, and symbols, along with the object type. However, converting from or to null and undefined is not necessary. Here are some common conversion scenarios and techniques to achieve them:...

Python Booleans: Understanding and Using Boolean Values in Python

Python has a built-in data type called “bool” that represents boolean values. A boolean value can have one of two possible states: True or False (both capitalized). For example: done = False done = True Booleans are particularly useful when working with conditional control structures like if statements. They allow you to perform different actions based on the truthiness or falsiness of a condition. Here’s an example: done = True if done: # run some code here else: # run some other code When evaluating a value to determine if it’s True or False, Python has specific rules based on the type of value being checked:...

Understanding JavaScript Types: A Guide for Developers

JavaScript is often said to be untyped, but that’s not entirely accurate. While it is true that JavaScript allows you to assign different types of values to variables, it does have types. In fact, JavaScript provides both primitive types and object types. Let’s take a closer look at the different types in JavaScript: Primitive types JavaScript has several primitive types: Number: All numbers in JavaScript are internally represented as floats. String: A sequence of characters enclosed in quotes....