Python has a built-in data type called “bool” that represents boolean values. A boolean value can have one of two possible states: True or False (both capitalized).

For example:

done = False
done = True

Booleans are particularly useful when working with conditional control structures like if statements. They allow you to perform different actions based on the truthiness or falsiness of a condition.

Here’s an example:

done = True

if done:
    # run some code here
    # run some other code

When evaluating a value to determine if it’s True or False, Python has specific rules based on the type of value being checked:

  • Numbers are always considered True, except for the number 0.
  • Strings are considered False only when they are empty.
  • Lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries are considered False only when they are empty.

To check if a value is a boolean, you can use the following methods:

Method 1:

done = True
type(done) == bool   # True

Method 2:

done = True
isinstance(done, bool)   # True

Additionally, Python provides two useful global functions for working with booleans:

  • The any() function returns True if any of the values in an iterable (e.g., a list) are True.


book_1_read = True
book_2_read = False

read_any_book = any([book_1_read, book_2_read])
  • The all() function returns True if all of the values passed to it are True.


ingredients_purchased = True
meal_cooked = False

ready_to_serve = all([ingredients_purchased, meal_cooked])

By understanding and utilizing boolean values in Python, you can effectively control the flow of your program and make decisions based on logical conditions.