A Short and Simple Guide to Babel: The Essential Web Developer Tool

Introduction to Babel Babel is an indispensable tool for every JavaScript developer. It solves the problem of using new JavaScript features that are not available in older browser versions. With Babel, you can transpile your modern JavaScript code into a syntax that is supported by all browsers. Installing Babel To install Babel, you need to use npm and install it locally in your project. Run the following command in your terminal:...

How I Overcame JavaScript Fatigue and Embraced the Ecosystem

A Quest to Tackle JavaScript Fatigue For the longest time, I dreaded working with JavaScript. The overwhelming changes in the JavaScript ecosystem caused me to experience what is known as “JavaScript Fatigue.” This feeling persisted for years until one day, everything changed. Finding Love for JavaScript My introduction to JavaScript dates back to the nineties when document.write statements filled my books. Around 2012-2013, the impending arrival of ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) flooded discussions everywhere....

How to Fix the `regeneratorRuntime is not defined` Error in Parcel

If you are using Babel in your project and you encounter the regeneratorRuntime is not defined error after adding an async function or any recent JavaScript feature, don’t worry. This issue can be resolved by loading the regenerator-runtime runtime in addition to the polyfill generated by Babel, which is used by Parcel. Here’s a solution you can try: add the following line at the top of your main JavaScript file:...

Introduction to create-react-app: The Easiest Way to Start a React Application

Create-react-app is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly start building React applications without having to deal with complex configurations. It provides a ready-made React application starter, eliminating the need to set up Webpack and Babel manually. What does create-react-app offer? Development server with hot reloading Built-in testing environment with Jest Easy deployment of React apps ES6+ syntax support Bundling of JavaScript and assets CSS autoprefixer, SASS, and CSS Modules support And more!...