Asynchronous JavaScript Programming and Callbacks: Understanding Asynchronicity

JavaScript, by default, is synchronous and single-threaded, meaning that code cannot create new threads and run in parallel. However, asynchronous programming allows code to run independently of the main program flow. In this blog, we will explore the concept of asynchronous code and its implementation in JavaScript, specifically through the use of callbacks. We will also discuss the challenges associated with callbacks and alternative approaches to handle asynchronous code. Asynchronicity in Programming Languages Computers are inherently asynchronous....

How to Wait for All Promises to Resolve in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are situations where we need to wait for multiple promises to resolve before continuing the execution of our code. Instead of waiting for one promise to resolve and then starting the next one, it would be more efficient to start all the promises simultaneously and wait for all of them to finish. In this blog post, we will discuss how to achieve this using the await keyword and the Promise....

Resolving Promises in Svelte Templates

In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively work with promises in Svelte templates and leverage their power in managing asynchronous events in JavaScript. Promises have become a valuable tool in handling asynchronous operations, and with the introduction of the await syntax in ES2017, working with promises has become even easier. Svelte provides the {#await} syntax in templates, which allows us to directly incorporate promises at the template level....

Understanding the JavaScript Event Loop

The JavaScript Event Loop is a crucial concept to understand when working with JavaScript. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of how the event loop works and how JavaScript handles asynchronous functions. Introduction The Event Loop is an integral aspect of JavaScript. If you have been programming with JavaScript for a while, you might not have a deep understanding of how things work under the hood. However, it is always beneficial to have a basic understanding of how the Event Loop operates....

Understanding the Node.js Event Loop

The Event Loop is a fundamental concept to understand in Node.js. It explains how Node can be asynchronous and have non-blocking I/O, which is what makes it so successful. Node.js code runs on a single thread, meaning that only one thing can happen at a time. While this may seem like a limitation, it simplifies programming by eliminating the need to worry about concurrency issues. However, it is important to be mindful of how you write your code to avoid blocking the thread....