The Event Loop is a fundamental concept to understand in Node.js. It explains how Node can be asynchronous and have non-blocking I/O, which is what makes it so successful.

Node.js code runs on a single thread, meaning that only one thing can happen at a time. While this may seem like a limitation, it simplifies programming by eliminating the need to worry about concurrency issues. However, it is important to be mindful of how you write your code to avoid blocking the thread.

Blocking the event loop occurs when JavaScript code takes too long to return control to the event loop. This can block the execution of other JavaScript code in the page and even the UI thread, preventing the user from interacting with the application. To avoid this, JavaScript relies heavily on non-blocking I/O primitives such as network requests and filesystem operations. Callbacks, promises, and async/await are commonly used to handle asynchronous operations.

The call stack, a LIFO (Last In, First Out) queue, is continuously checked by the event loop to see if there are any functions that need to run. Each function call is added to the call stack and executed in order. The call stack is also responsible for generating error stack traces.

To demonstrate the event loop in action, let’s consider a simple example:

const bar = () => console.log('bar')

const baz = () => console.log('baz')

const foo = () => {


In this example, the output will be:


When foo() is called, it first calls bar() and then baz(). The event loop executes functions in the call stack until it is empty.

You can use setTimeout(() => {}, 0) to defer a function until the stack is clear. For example:

const bar = () => console.log('bar')

const baz = () => console.log('baz')

const foo = () => {
 setTimeout(bar, 0)


In this case, the output will be:


Here, setTimeout() with a timer of 0 instructs the browser or Node.js to execute bar() immediately after the call stack is empty.

Functions like setTimeout(), fetch, and other browser-provided APIs work independently of the event loop, thanks to their own threads. They use the Message Queue to queue events like click or keyboard events, fetch responses, or DOM events. The event loop prioritizes the call stack and processes everything in it before moving on to the items in the message queue.

ECMAScript 2015 introduced the concept of the Job Queue, which is used by Promises. It allows the execution of the result of an async function as soon as possible, rather than being placed at the end of the call stack. Promises that resolve before the current function ends are executed right after.

In conclusion, understanding the Node.js Event Loop is essential for writing effective and efficient code in Node.js. The concepts explained in this article will serve as a solid foundation for your future Node.js programming endeavors.