Introduction to C Pointers: Understanding the Basics

C pointers can be quite confusing, especially for beginners or those coming from higher-level programming languages like Python or JavaScript. In this blog post, we will introduce pointers in a simplified yet comprehensive manner. What is a Pointer? A pointer is essentially the address of a block of memory that contains a variable. To understand this better, let’s consider an example. When we declare an integer variable like so: int age = 37; We can use the & operator to obtain the memory address of the variable:...

Introduction to C Strings: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of C programming, strings are a special type of array. Specifically, a string is an array of char values. If you’re new to arrays, you can think of them as a collection of similar elements. Let’s start with the basics. In C, you can declare a string by specifying the number of characters it can hold, like so: char name[7]; In this example, name is an array of characters that can hold up to 7 elements....

Introduction to CommonJS

The CommonJS module specification is the standard used in Node.js for working with modules. Modules allow you to encapsulate functionality and make it available to other JavaScript files as libraries. In contrast, client-side JavaScript in the browser uses a different standard called ES Modules. Modules are incredibly useful because they enable you to create reusable snippets of functionality that can be tested independently. The CommonJS format is the foundation of the extensive npm ecosystem....

Introduction to create-react-app: The Easiest Way to Start a React Application

Create-react-app is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly start building React applications without having to deal with complex configurations. It provides a ready-made React application starter, eliminating the need to set up Webpack and Babel manually. What does create-react-app offer? Development server with hot reloading Built-in testing environment with Jest Easy deployment of React apps ES6+ syntax support Bundling of JavaScript and assets CSS autoprefixer, SASS, and CSS Modules support And more!...

Introduction to CSS: Enhancing Your Web Pages' Visual Appearance

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language that plays a significant role in defining the visual appearance of an HTML page in a web browser. With its continuous evolution and the introduction of new features, CSS has become easier to use than ever before. In this blog, we will cover the following topics: What is CSS A brief history of CSS How does CSS look like Semicolons Formatting and indentation How do you load CSS in a Web Page 1: Using the link tag 2: using the style tag 3: inline styles What is CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style HTML files and instruct web browsers on how to render the elements on a web page....

Introduction to Docker Containers

Docker Containers provide a convenient way to bundle applications and all their dependencies into a portable environment. They encapsulate the application along with its required libraries, tools, and other applications in a container. By creating a container from a Docker Image, you can easily deploy your application on any machine with Docker installed, without worrying about additional work or dependencies. Containers offer complete isolation from the host machine, ensuring that your application runs in a consistent and reliable environment....

Introduction to Docker Images

A Docker image serves as a foundational blueprint for a container. It is the starting point for everything in Docker. When you instruct Docker to create a container from an image using the docker run command, Docker performs various operations such as setting up the file system and initializing dependencies to create the container. Images are constructed using a Dockerfile, which can be processed using the docker build command. These images can be stored locally or published on Docker Hub, a Docker registry....

Introduction to Docker: Revolutionizing Application Deployment and Distribution

Docker has emerged as a game-changing tool for deploying and distributing applications. It has gained significant popularity among developers and possessing Docker skills can greatly enhance your professional profile. With Docker, you can create containers that encapsulate entire applications, allowing for easy replication. Replication is a key advantage, as it enables the creation of isolated environments that can run on various computers and servers, ensuring consistent software versions and preventing configuration issues....

Introduction to Electron: Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron

Learn the fundamentals of Electron, the powerful framework developed by GitHub that enables the creation of innovative and popular cross-platform applications. Electron is an Open Source and free tool for building cross-platform desktop apps using JS, HTML, and CSS. It has gained immense popularity and is used by many successful applications such as VS Code, Slack, Discord, and more. Revolutionizing native desktop app development, Electron made it viable to create JavaScript-based desktop applications....

Introduction to Electronics: A Beginner's Guide

Tags: electronics, Arduino, programming, analog electronics, digital electronics Welcome to the new series on Electronics! In this series, we will explore the world of electronics, its practical applications, and how it intersects with programming. Just like programming, electronics involves transforming inputs into outputs and creating complex systems using simple components. It provides a hands-on experience, allowing us to work on real-world projects and unleash our creativity. If you’re new to electronics, you might be familiar with the Arduino platform....