The defineProperty() method in JavaScript is a powerful feature of the Object object. It allows you to create or configure properties for an object in a more flexible way. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the defineProperty() method and provide examples to demonstrate its usage.


The defineProperty() method serves two main purposes: creating a new object property or configuring an existing property. It offers more control and customization compared to simply assigning a value to a property.


The defineProperty() method takes three arguments:

  1. The target object: This is the object on which we want to create or configure the properties.
  2. The property name: This is the name of the property defined as a string.
  3. The property definition: This is an object that contains the specific configuration options for the property.


Let’s consider an example to better understand how the defineProperty() method works:

const dog = {}
Object.defineProperty(dog, 'breed', {
 value: 'Siberian Husky'
console.log(dog.breed) //'Siberian Husky'

In this example, we create a new object called dog using an empty object literal {}. Then, we use the defineProperty() method to create a property named ‘breed’ and assign it the value ‘Siberian Husky’. Finally, we log the value of dog.breed, which correctly outputs ‘Siberian Husky’.

It is important to note that instead of directly assigning the value to the property, we pass a property descriptor object as the third argument to defineProperty(). The property descriptor object allows us to define additional attributes for the property, such as its enumerability, writability, and configurability.


The defineProperty() method is a valuable tool in JavaScript when it comes to creating or configuring object properties. Its flexibility and customization options make it a powerful feature for developers. By understanding how to use defineProperty(), you can effectively manage and manipulate object properties in your JavaScript code.