The defineProperty() method in JavaScript: A Guide

The defineProperty() method in JavaScript is a powerful feature of the Object object. It allows you to create or configure properties for an object in a more flexible way. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the defineProperty() method and provide examples to demonstrate its usage. Overview The defineProperty() method serves two main purposes: creating a new object property or configuring an existing property. It offers more control and customization compared to simply assigning a value to a property....

The isSealed() Method in JavaScript

Learn all about the isSealed() method of the Object object in JavaScript. The isSealed() method accepts an object as an argument and returns true if the object is sealed, and false otherwise. An object is considered sealed when it is a return value of the Object.seal() function. Here’s an example illustrating the usage of isSealed(): const dog = {} dog.breed = 'Siberian Husky' const myDog = Object.seal(dog) Object.isSealed(dog) // true Object....

The preventExtensions() Method in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the preventExtensions() method is used with the Object object. This method takes an object as an argument and returns the same object. The preventExtensions() method modifies the object, making it unable to accept new properties. However, it still allows for the removal and modification of existing properties. Here is an example: const dog = {} dog.breed = 'Siberian Husky' Object.preventExtensions(dog) = 'Roger' // TypeError: Cannot add property name, object is not extensible In this example, we create a new object called dog and assign the property breed with the value 'Siberian Husky'....

Understanding the values() Method of the Object Object

In JavaScript, the values() method of the Object object is a powerful tool that allows you to easily fetch all the property values of an object. This method returns an array containing all the values of the object’s own properties. Usage: To better understand how the values() method works, let’s look at a couple of examples: Example 1: Retrieving Values from an Object const person = { name: 'Fred', age: 87 }; Object....