Every HTTP request consists of a set of mandatory and optional headers. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive list of these headers along with their descriptions.
Standard Headers
A-IM: feed
This header specifies the acceptable instance manipulations in the response. It is defined in RFC 3229.
Accept: application/json
The Accept
header indicates the acceptable media type or types.
Accept-Charset: utf-8
The Accept-Charset
header specifies the acceptable character set.
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
This header lists the acceptable encodings for the response.
Accept-Language: en-US
The Accept-Language
header indicates the acceptable languages.
Accept-Datetime: Thu, 31 May 2007 20:35:00 GMT
By using this header, you can request a past version of a resource prior to the provided datetime.
Access-Control-Request-Method: GET
This header is used in a CORS request to specify the requested method.
Access-Control-Request-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
In a CORS request, the Access-Control-Request-Headers
header lists the acceptable request headers.
Authorization: Basic 34i3j4iom2323==
The Authorization
header contains the HTTP basic authentication credentials.
Cache-Control: no-cache
This header sets the caching rules for the response.
Connection: keep-alive
The Connection
header allows controlling the options for the current connection. It accepts keep-alive
and close
. Note that it is deprecated in HTTP/2.
Content-Length: 348
The Content-Length
header specifies the length of the request body in bytes.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
In a POST or PUT request, the Content-Type
header indicates the content type of the request body.
Cookie: name=value
The Cookie
header is used to send cookies along with the request. To learn more about cookies, visit this link.
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT
The Date
header indicates the date and time when the request was sent.
Expect: 100-continue
This header is typically used when sending a large request body. It expects the server to respond with a 100 Continue
status if it can handle the request, or a 417 Expectation Failed
status if it cannot.
Forwarded: for=; proto=http; by=
The Forwarded
header discloses original information about a client connecting through an HTTP proxy. It is only used for testing purposes, as it may reveal sensitive information.
From: [email protected]
The From
header contains the email address of the user making the request. It can be used to indicate a contact email for bots, for example.
Host: flaviocopes.com
The Host
header specifies the domain name of the server and the TCP port number on which the server is listening. If the port is omitted, it is assumed to be 80. This header is mandatory in an HTTP request.
If-Match: "737060cd8c284d8582d"
By providing one or more ETags
, the server will only send the response if the current resource matches one of those ETags. This header is mainly used in PUT methods to update a resource only if it has not been modified since the user last updated it.
If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT
If the content remains unchanged since the specified date, this header allows for a 304 Not Modified
response to be returned.
If-None-Match: "737060cd882f209582d"
The If-None-Match
header allows for a 304 Not Modified
response to be returned if the content has not changed. It is the opposite of If-Match
If-Range: "737060cd8c9582d"
This header is used for resuming downloads. If the condition specified in the header (ETag or date) is matched, a partial response is returned; otherwise, the full resource is returned. For more information, refer to this link.
If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT
The response will be sent only if the entity has not been modified since the specified time.
Max-Forwards: 10
The Max-Forwards
header limits the number of times the message can be forwarded through proxies or gateways.
Origin: http://mydomain.com
In an OPTIONS HTTP request to ask the server for Access-Control response headers, the Origin
header sends the current domain to perform a CORS request.
Pragma: no-cache
This header is used for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 caches.
Proxy-Authorization: Basic 2323jiojioIJOIOJIJ==
The Proxy-Authorization
header contains authorization credentials for connecting to a proxy.
Range: bytes=500-999
By using the Range
header, you can request only a specific part of a resource.
Referer: https://flaviocopes.com
The Referer
header specifies the address of the previous web page from which the link to the currently requested page was followed.
TE: trailers, deflate
The TE
header allows specifying the encodings that the client can accept. The accepted values are compress
, deflate
, gzip
, and trailers
. In HTTP/2, only trailers
is supported.
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36
The User-Agent
header contains a string that identifies the user agent.
Upgrade: h2c, HTTPS/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11, websocket
The Upgrade
header requests the server to upgrade to another protocol. Note that this header is deprecated in HTTP/2.
Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 example.com (Apache/1.1)
The Via
header informs the server of proxies through which the request was sent.
Warning: 199 Miscellaneous warning
The Warning
header provides a general warning about possible problems with the message’s status. It accepts a special range of values (see more).
Non-standard Headers
There are also some widely used non-standard headers, including:
DNT: 1
If enabled, the Dnt
header asks servers not to track the user.
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
The X-Requested-With
header identifies XHR (XMLHttpRequest) requests.
The X-CSRF-Token
header is used to prevent CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.