The Complete List of HTTP Request Headers

Every HTTP request consists of a set of mandatory and optional headers. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive list of these headers along with their descriptions. Standard Headers A-IM A-IM: feed This header specifies the acceptable instance manipulations in the response. It is defined in RFC 3229. Accept Accept: application/json The Accept header indicates the acceptable media type or types. Accept-Charset Accept-Charset: utf-8 The Accept-Charset header specifies the acceptable character set....

The HTTPS Protocol: Ensuring Secure Communication

The HTTPS protocol is an extension of HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) that provides secure communication over the internet. Unlike HTTP, which is insecure by design, HTTPS encrypts the entire communication between your browser and the web server, ensuring privacy and security. When you request a webpage from a web server, your data goes through multiple trips between the browser and the server. Additionally, depending on the webpage’s content, there may be additional connections required to retrieve CSS files, JavaScript files, images, and more....