Git Workflow for Managing Multiple Branches

As a senior developer, I rely on Git as my go-to version control tool for all my projects. Over the years, I have honed a strategy inspired by the principles outlined in “A Successful Git Branching Model” by Vincent Driessen. This strategy allows me to efficiently manage work on multiple branches while keeping the codebase organized and stable. Permanent Branches: Master and Develop To maintain a structured flow of work, I always have two permanent branches: master and develop....

The stack I use to run this blog

In this post, I will describe the technologies and tools I use to run my blog. From the site platform to hosting, and even my workflow for posting articles, I’ll cover it all. The site platform This blog is built using Astro, a static site framework. While I previously used Hugo, I found that I enjoy creating user interfaces with JSX more. Astro, like Hugo, generates fast pages that can be easily deployed on platforms like Netlify or Cloudflare Pages....