Introduction to PeerJS: A Simplified WebRTC Library

When it comes to working with WebRTC, the process can be challenging. However, with the help of PeerJS, a powerful library, WebRTC becomes much easier to handle. In a previous blog post about WebRTC, I discussed the intricate details of using the protocol to establish direct communication between two web browsers. During the tutorial, I mentioned that there are libraries available that simplify the complexities involved in enabling WebRTC communication. One such library is PeerJS, which offers a straightforward approach to real-time communication....

Roadmap for Learning the Web Platform: A Comprehensive Guide

The Web Platform is a powerful and diverse ecosystem comprising of APIs, tools, and languages. It offers endless possibilities for developers. If you are looking for a roadmap to learn the Web Platform, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, I have compiled a collection of tutorials and articles that will help you navigate the Web Platform with ease. Let’s get started! Browser API Guides Begin your journey by diving into the Document Object Model (DOM), which is the fundamental API exposed by browsers....

Troubleshooting: Black Box issue with WebRTC on iOS

If you are facing a black box issue when using WebRTC on iOS Safari for video streams, both local and remote, there is a simple fix you can apply. This problem usually occurs when working with the PeerJS library. Solution To resolve this issue, you need to add the playsinline attribute to the video tags for both the local and remote streams. This attribute allows the video to play inline without going into full screen mode....