Dive into IndexedDB: A Comprehensive Guide to IndexedDB for Web Developers

IndexedDB is a powerful storage capability that has been introduced into browsers in recent years. It serves as a key/value store and is considered the definitive solution for storing data in browsers. In this article, we will provide an in-depth introduction to IndexedDB and cover various topics related to its usage. Introduction to IndexedDB IndexedDB is a noSQL database that allows you to store an indefinite amount of data in browsers....

Roadmap for Learning the Web Platform: A Comprehensive Guide

The Web Platform is a powerful and diverse ecosystem comprising of APIs, tools, and languages. It offers endless possibilities for developers. If you are looking for a roadmap to learn the Web Platform, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, I have compiled a collection of tutorials and articles that will help you navigate the Web Platform with ease. Let’s get started! Browser API Guides Begin your journey by diving into the Document Object Model (DOM), which is the fundamental API exposed by browsers....

Storing Vue Data to localStorage using Vuex

In this blog post, we will explore how to store Vuex data automatically to localStorage or sessionStorage. When it comes to persisting data, there are several methods available. One simple approach is utilizing the Web Storage API, which includes localStorage and sessionStorage. To simplify the process of integrating the Web Storage API into a Vue project, we can leverage the vuex-persist library. Here’s how to get started: Install vuex-persist using npm or Yarn: npm install vuex-persist yarn add vuex-persist In your Vuex store file, import VuexPersist: import VuexPersist from 'vuex-persist' Initialize VuexPersist by creating an instance with specific configuration options: const vuexPersist = new VuexPersist({ key: 'my-app', storage: window....

The Web Storage API: local storage and session storage

The Web Storage API is a powerful tool for storing data in the browser. It consists of two storage mechanisms that are crucial for web development: Session Storage and Local Storage. These storage options are part of the wider range of storage capabilities available on the Web Platform, which includes Cookies, IndexedDB, and the Cache API. Session Storage and Local Storage provide a private area for storing data, ensuring that it cannot be accessed by other websites....