Understanding CSS Inheritance and Its Importance

CSS Inheritance is a concept where properties set on a selector are inherited by its children. While not all properties exhibit this behavior, it helps in writing concise and efficient CSS code by avoiding the need to set the same property for each individual child element. Certain properties, such as font-related properties, are logical to be inherited, as they can be applied to the parent element and automatically flow down to its children....

Understanding the Behavior of `npm run dev` and Forcing it to Use Port 3000

One common question that comes up when working on a local website is related to the behavior of the npm run dev command. Each time this command is executed, it starts a long-running process that spins up a local development server. This practice is widely used in web development, and many tools like Astro and Next.js rely on the same command. However, one observation developers make is that each time they run npm run dev, the localhost port gets incremented....

Understanding the JavaScript padStart() Method

In JavaScript, the padStart() method is used to add characters to the beginning of a string in order to reach a desired length. This can be useful when you want to ensure that a string has a specific number of characters. The syntax for using padStart() is as follows: padStart(targetLength [, padString]) The targetLength parameter represents the desired length of the string after padding, while the optional padString parameter is used to specify the characters to be added....

Understanding the Purpose of the Hashtag (#) in Links

When working on a web page, you may come across links that include a hashtag (#) in the href attribute. It’s important to understand the purpose of this hashtag and how it affects the link behavior. Placeholder Link: <a href="#">features</a> In this case, the href="#" serves as a placeholder. It indicates that the link doesn’t point to any specific location on the page or external URL. It is often used when the application is still in progress, and the actual destination will be added later....

Using Tailwind CSS with Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

This tutorial is part of the Laravel Handbook. Download it from here One powerful way to enhance the styling of your Laravel applications is by using Tailwind CSS. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up and configuring Tailwind CSS with Laravel. Let’s get started: Step 1: Configuring Vite The first thing we need to do is configure Vite to enable styling with Tailwind CSS....

What is the Best JavaScript Course for Web Developers?

In today’s world of web development, having a strong understanding of JavaScript is essential. JavaScript lies at the heart of everything, from building interactive websites to creating full-blown applications. It powers server-side runtimes like Node.js, and serves as infrastructure with tools like npm and npx. Quite simply, you can use JavaScript for almost anything. Having a solid grasp of JavaScript can greatly enhance your career prospects. But with so many JavaScript courses available, how do you choose the best one?...

What is the JAMstack?

Have you heard of the term JAMstack? In recent years, it has become a popular way to describe a set of technologies used together to achieve web development goals. Just like LAMP and MEAN, JAMstack represents a combination of technologies. But what does JAMstack really mean? JAM is an acronym for JavaScript, API, and Markup. It refers to a trend in web application and website development that revolves around several key characteristics:...

Why I chose to dive into iOS development

As a developer with a passion for building things, I’ve always enjoyed exploring the software and hardware aspects of creating new technologies. While I have a background in web development, my decision to venture into iOS development doesn’t mean I’m abandoning it. Instead, I see it as an opportunity to explore a whole new world of possibilities with Swift. One of my main goals is to help aspiring developers in their journey....

Why JavaScript is an Ideal Programming Language for Beginners

JavaScript is an excellent programming language for beginners due to several reasons. Reason 1: JavaScript is the primary language used for building websites. As a beginner, learning JavaScript will provide you with the necessary skills to create functional and visually-appealing websites. Given that every company requires a website or an e-commerce platform, mastering JavaScript will open up numerous opportunities for you in the future. Reason 2: JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide....

Working with Keyboard Events in JavaScript

Learn the basics of handling keyboard events in JavaScript to enhance your web applications. There are three main types of keyboard events: keydown - Triggered when a key is initially pressed down. keyup - Fired when a key is released after being pressed down. keypress - Deprecated event, rarely used in modern development. When working with keyboard events, it is common to listen for them on the document object. Here’s an example:...